Beards offer protection against homosexuality – IOTW Report

Beards offer protection against homosexuality

I’m not sure about this theory. Beards offer protection for a homosexual. Michelle Obama, for example.


Metropolitan Korniliy, the high priest of the Russian Orthodox Old-Rite Church, is calling on men not to shave their beards, arguing that facial hair offers protection against homosexuality.

“God gave us rules: it is written that the Lord created all [men] with beards. This concept has completely disappeared in the Catholic West, and yet it’s [true] beyond any doubt. After all, in our icons it is impossible for us to imagine Christ or any other saint without a beard. Mankind should not resist his own Creator. This is where sodomy comes from: the always changing men’s fashions and hairstyles,” Korniliy said in a recent interview.

Roman Atorin, a spokesperson for the Russian Orthodox Old-Rite Church, also pointed out that shaving one’s beard “is a departure from the sacred and holy,” recalling how Peter I imposed a beard tax in 1698, leading to resistance from Russians who considered male facial hair to be a religious obligation.


ht/ the big owe

23 Comments on Beards offer protection against homosexuality

  1. …calling on men not to shave their beards, arguing that facial hair offers protection against homosexuality.

    What protects women against homosexuality?

  2. I keep a 1/4″ just because I don’t wanna fucking
    shave. Somebody don’t like that, sue me. I’m not
    looking for boys or bitches.
    It’s got more colors in it than Barky….. 🙂

  3. I remember when I was young I couldn’t wait till I could shave. I started at 14 with my dads straight razor.
    Did not get cut but my skin burned like an SOB.
    So I stopped till I was 16 and I bought a safety razor. Still did not have to shave. But I shaved everyday.
    Now i am retired and if I’m not going out in the public areas. I don’t shave.
    More than once every two weeks.

  4. That conclusion is silly. Muzzie terrorists have beards and it doesn’t prevent them from desiring sex with goats, and young boys. Plus an obsession with killing innocent people. Is that caused by the beards? Nope, it’s their tradition & evil religion.

  5. I tried to get Leonardo to shave, but he just did the Anderson Cooper eye roll and sashayed up the stairs! I suppose he’s painting his young ‘friend’ again….

  6. I’ve had a beard most of my adult life because I hate shaving. And I haven’t seen my upper lip since 1976 when I last shaved my mustache and didn’t like the look and grew it back almost immediately. It’s getting more white now than brown and gray like it used to be and looks good as I have it trimmed neatly every couple of months or so. My hair (what I have left of it as I’m bald on top) I get cut twice a year, usually now a shorter buzz cut what my Dad called a pig shave back when he cut our hair as kids. Even my formerly long haired brothers all have short hair now, we’re getting too old to look like bums and hippies anymore. And besides old guys look better with beards anyway and I can play Santa if I let it grow out which I might just my do for my grandkids.

  7. ha Geoff, I’ve got 3 years on ya. Last time I shaved was Oct. 20, 1973. The day I graduated from Nuclear Power School at Bainbridge NTC, Md. Actually had a beard from April 72 till April 73, only beardless during the six months at Bainbridge, but still had a mustache, then grew it back.

  8. The Silk Ponies like beards, in fact the wife saw a “man” strolling through Mayor Murphy’s back yard set up with breasts, a dress, heels, shaved legs, and sporting a beard.
    Who says a man cunt have it all?

  9. There seems to be a stigma agains’t being clean cut and wholesome nowadays.
    A report came out not too long a go that beards are filthier than toilet seats! I wonder why it didn’t get more exposure on tv. Maybe because everyone in hollywierd wants to look like a muslim terrorist.

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