Beating the masculinity out of men – IOTW Report

Beating the masculinity out of men

Patriot Retort: The other day, Campus Reform reported that Duke University is recruiting male students for a 9-week program that seeks to beat the masculinity clean out of them.

Okay, that’s not how they put it. But that’s pretty much what it is.

They claim the program is to “destabilize masculine privilege” and “interrogate masculinity” – whatever the hell that means.

See, they believe there are “healthy alternatives” to masculinity – as if masculinity is bad for you.

Like trans-fat or smoking.

From Campus Reform:

Over the course of the nine-week program, men will participate in weekly discussion groups conducted through an “intersectional feminist lens,” with the hope of helping male students learn an “intersectional understanding of masculinity” and creating “spaces to destabilize masculine privilege.”

Organizers warn that the program isn’t for the faint of heart, explaining that the discussion groups will make men feel “vulnerable” and “will be challenging,” and should thus be “taken seriously.”

And once the guys finish up the program, they will be unleashed on the campus to try and proselytize other men about “toxic masculinity.”

At this rate, Duke will need to change its name.

Because there’s nothing more toxically masculine than the name “Duke.”

Remember when feminists would whine that being a woman shouldn’t be a pre-existing condition?

Apparently, they believe being male is.  MORE

34 Comments on Beating the masculinity out of men

  1. The problem is after six 8 years of Obama the pussies are now in control. Particularly in our educational system. Stop and think about this guy threatening physical violence. Really? He wouldn’t last 20 seconds with my Grand Daughter. But take heart and go visit your local gym. You will find young men there that will impress you. Most work in the trades and have avoided the brain washing.

  2. I’ve been in this program ever since I wasn’t carded at the bar or the bar didn’t card anyone with cash money….the main topic of intellectual discourse was…..’BOOBIE’S’…….I got an ‘A’ in the course….

  3. “intersectional understanding of masculinity”
    Certainly unusual, but I guess it would be alright if they want to have a meeting in the intersection. Rush hour would probably be a time that would work for everyone. I’ll be in the green truck.

  4. The dirtbag in the photo is Michael Isaacson, adjunct Prof. of economics at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, NYC. He tweeted that “it is a privilege to teach future dead cops.” He has been suspended. He is also an ANTIFA activist. The police union leaders want him fired. (New York Post story) It remains to be seen how the “Sanctuary” College, in the “Sanctuary” City will handle this.

  5. The Liberals are Trying to Create a New Reality , One where We’re all exactly the Same ! They start By Erasing Race ? Yes Breeding Us In’to one Gray Color.
    They Will need to eliminate Character Traits, as They Could be Original and May Not have been blended in’to the ” New Gene Pool ” Yet !
    They will Allow you a Family Living Quarters, Gray as to not offend or Intimidate Others ! Medical Care will be everywhere , and We Will ” Put You Out ” at each Visit… For Your Conveniance of Coarse !!!

  6. I suggest they start with the Duke Blue Devils Football, Wrestling and Men’s Lacrosse teams for their little campus experiment. If the teams are too busy, then recruit from the Duke Univ Army ROTC, Air Force ROTC, and Naval ROTC. I bet those cadets would love to attend; this could be fun !

  7. “Teach them to play the flute … make them wear linen under their tunics and soft boots …”

    (Croesus’ advice to Cyrus on how to pacify Sardis(?) – short of massacre)

    izlamo delenda est …

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