Beatles Revisionist History – IOTW Report

Beatles Revisionist History

The Beatles switched up their lyrics to Get Back and sang a version speaking about the influx of Pakistanis in England.

In the Peter Jackson documentary they include a different version of the “No Pakistanis” song. They insist the Beatles were “mocking the bigots.”

It doesn’t sound like it, especially when McCartney laughs when Lennon bellows, “Don’t want no black man.”

McCartney follows up with, “Don’t want no Pakistanis taking all the people’s jobs.”

In the Beatles documentary, the Beatles sing a sober version of the same song. Was this an attempt to rehabilitate a damaged reputation? The inclusion of the newspaper in the clip is ridiculously transparent.

13 Comments on Beatles Revisionist History

  1. I don’t think any member of the Beatles was very intelligent. They were mediocre musicians. They were very talented at writing lyrics. And they were at the right place at the right time. Just like American celebrities, I pay no attention to their political opinions. I’m relatively sure band camp and drama class has no economics 101 component to them .

  2. I am arguably the world’s biggest Beatles fan. However, I have always said that Lennon started the trend of celebrities opining on every issue of the day. I was uncomfortable with it then and despise it when entertainment simps do it now.

  3. I think the political opinions of drug-addled millionaires who live in bubbles, isolated from “real” life, surrounded by yes-men, stooges, and go-fers, are probably the more relevant out there – similarly to corporate millionaires who live in bubbles, isolated from “real” life, surrounded by yes-men, stooges, and go-fers.

    They be smart, an shit, yo!

  4. 60 years later thousands of young english white girls were raped and trafficked by on street Pakistani Grooming gangs , the police and council social workers covered it up for decades on the alter of community cohesion and diversity , it still goes on now in 2024

  5. People who criticize the Beatles are simply ignorant of how stale rock and roll had become by 1963-64. By today’s standards their music might seem tame but unless you lived through it you have no idea how refreshing it was. I mean friggin “Sugar Shack” was on the charts at the time.

  6. Loco

    “They were very talented at writing lyrics. And they were at the right place at the right time.”

    Which is pretty much what CTGinger said you key board commando pussy.

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