Beaver Galore – IOTW Report

Beaver Galore

There was a time when the government made sure that there was enough beaver to go around. They even parachuted beaver into areas that were beaver deserts.

Of all the deserts, the beaver desert is probably the worst, and even in a limited government, I think spreading the beaver should be part of the function.Screen Shot 2015-10-24 at 1.38.15 AM

21 Comments on Beaver Galore

  1. The caption at the end: “Fur for the Future”
    Thought that kind of brought the beaver vid back here and now I know why BFH was interested in beavers. Ha,ha, ha, ha. Yes, I’m tired, punchy and am saying good night before I say something else stupid.

  2. The location in the first part of this video where they’re putting the beavers in crates preparing them for an air drop into the wilderness is City Beach in Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho. I’d recognize that beach anywhere having spent a lot of time swimming there as a kid back in the 50’s and 60’s. The beach is still there and is still a great place to go to see the beauty of CDA Lake anytime of year. As for the beavers I hope they did their dammed best to make sure they didn’t hurt the critters.

  3. Chieftain, I’m glad you didn’t post a picture of someone choking a chicken. That’s almost as bad as the T shirt I saw on a fat guy at Safeway a few years back that said I’d rather spread a beaver than choke a chicken. I’m surprised he wore it while at Safeway and not while shopping at Wally World. Who knows, maybe he went there next.

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