Beck Rants – IOTW Report

Beck Rants

I like his passion, and what he is saying, but what are we going to do about it?

ht/ nm

25 Comments on Beck Rants

  1. There was a time that I thought that he might be on to something….then he found something else to rant about and made a total fool of himself. Don’t place too much faith in him.

  2. What can we do but be good little subjects and stay locked up in our own little prisons and do as we’re told?

    I hope the /s mark is not necessary. If they want a revolution, then a revolution is what they’ll get.

  3. Although I mostly acknowledge the basics of what Glenn says, I realize that long ago Glenn blew that 50 amp fuse. His many personas over the years and attempts to garner sympathy for real or imagined illnesses have evidenced to me an unstable mind. Sad, really.

  4. He really does seem like the type of guy who lines up BEHIND the troops, men, women, & children and not to protect the rear flank, more to make sure he does not get a bruise on smear his makeup.

  5. Everyone of us would not have faltered or altered if we spent our life on the air. Beck provides a valuable service. Meanwhile hundreds of leftist MSM drones are allowed to lie and promote treason every day. Crickets. . ..

  6. I never listen to the guy, but every single word expresses exactly how I feel. I’m damned sick and tired of it all, as I feel most sane Americans are.

    And I feel we all know it isn’t just a demoncrat problem. All of congress contributes to corrupt, robber baron problems we have.

    The term ‘investigation’ has come to mean cover-up, or obfuscation, or buying time to destroy the evidence and bury the bodies.

    It’s insanity. Like Heston in the PLANET OF THE APES; ‘It’s madness!’

  7. Attention seeking, ‘conservative’ barker Beck is of no value to any discussion. The man flip flops and spins on a dime to get buttpats and money. Remember when he went on CNN and apologized to the left saying that he was playing up his Fox audience?

    I hate that my money supports him in any capacity, but the only way I can get Mug Club is thru blaze tv. :l

    tldr, I used to watch his show, found out later on that he was a stinking weasel. Even a fool can sound wise occasionally.

  8. If I were to judge the realm of conservative talk radio, I would think all the listeners to it hoarded freeze dried food and gold, suffered from sexual dysfunctions, with copious amounts of pain,and whose dogs all had the mange.

  9. I like Beck and the others on his network, sure he gets a little weird once and a while but the shows are entertaining and funny. As for the what has he done about the various problems he talks about, well nobody else has done fuck all either, including the folks here. They blame Tucker for the same type of shit, the politicians in charge aren’t doing anything about the problems so what can the little guy do.

  10. his creativity and humor left him back in the early 90’s which was his biggest asset (besides his head)and sadly now all he has left with is his analytical skills.

  11. When he laughed about the John Roberts screwing we got on Obamacare that did it for me. His video on The Gods of the Copybook Headings is second to none though. He was always a bit more melodramatic than I care for though.

  12. I used to listed to Glenn Beck and even subscribed to his TV channel for a while. But he became a Trump hater and he lost me there. I hear he has changed his mind now but I am doing fine without listening. JDHasty: I agree The Gods of the Copybook Headings was very well done.

  13. About a month ago I decided to subscribe to his podcast.
    I was liking what I was hearing.
    I gave it a try.
    After maybe a week, maybe less, I unsubscribed.
    Much of his show is inane chatter with little substance.
    Kind of unlistenable.

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