25 Comments on BECOMING

  1. I’ve never been so thoroughly disgusted about the outcome of a case.

    You can’t piss off as many people as this fcukwit did and not ha e something coming to you.

    With any luck, something really will happen to him and nobody will give a shit.

    Unfortunately, I think we will be inundated with reports of people looking at the fag the wrong way by the fawning media.

  2. Case in point – I seem to recall that the first thing Barry did when he go into the White House was to quash the Black Panthers voter intimidation case which was a quote: “Slam-Dunk” case!

  3. His career is toast, as is the Empire show. The fraudsters may have won this battle, but not the war.

    The Smollett name is forever linked to FRAUD. Even the FAKE media sees the injustice done here.

  4. Triumph second cover!
    Love the first as well!
    Except for being the unknown (since no one saw it) Luke Ghetto Walker, who is this racist jerk?
    Must be a Trayvon 2,3,4,5 cousin?

  5. Well this one pulled me off the sidelines…

    No Momma Obama MARCH 26, 2019 AT 5:50 PM

    He must be sleeping with Barry!

    No, he’s awake and doing things with him and Mikey…
    Starting the pool for how long before something BAD happens to Jussie Smellet!
    Put me down for four months and three days…

    That or he better move from Shitcago…

  6. I’ve been thinking about this all afternoon.

    Anything to divert America’s attention away from the DNC & the Left& the Media who COLLUDED for over 2 YEARS to hamstring President Trump.

  7. Now I’m wondering if Barky and Jussie didn’t have a little downlow thing going on. Some time later, Jussie gets in a bind with his hoax, faces jail time, and he desperately plays the blackmail card on Barky, who hands off to Mitch. S he’s used to dealing with his homo eruptions, and works he r magic one more time to make Jussie go away.. And then, on some warm Summer night, Jussie dies in a failed mugging attempt.

    Jussie, you do know who Donald Young, Larry Bland and Nate Spencer are, don’t you? No? You should check it out. You might be in the high risk category.


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