Bed, Bath & Beyond Says It Could Go Bankrupt – IOTW Report

Bed, Bath & Beyond Says It Could Go Bankrupt

In January 2021, Bed, Bath & Beyond dropped MyPillow from their stores.


The home-goods giant Bed Bath & Beyond says it’s running out of money and may need to file for bankruptcy protection — or worse.

Its stores have seen fewer shoppers and declining sales as the retailer has struggled to find its footing in recent years through a series of poorly timed or otherwise lackluster turnaround strategies.

Now Bed Bath & Beyond “has concluded that there is substantial doubt about the company’s ability to continue as a going concern,” the retailer said on Thursday. This means Bed Bath & Beyond has to consider all financial options, including restructuring, selling assets or going through bankruptcy.


23 Comments on Bed, Bath & Beyond Says It Could Go Bankrupt

  1. Well the don’t sell guns. Just sayen.

    Extremely stupid corporation. They’re thick out here on the west coast. Every other street corner. They sell worthless junk.

  2. BB&BEYOND closed here a year ago. Thereabouts. How do you fuck up a retail establishment such as this? Who needs towels, pillows, sheets and stuff like that, anyway? Idiotic unforced error.

  3. I just checked, you can buy My Pillow stuff on Amazon. But not at Bed Bath And Beyond. I’m sure their demise is partly do to internet shopping. Which I am guilty of. I’m busy, nice to have it show up on my door step.

  4. Within the last couple of years, BB&B specifically and wokefully dropped their relationship with My Pillow & Mike Lindell. Stock value and sales have been plummeting ever since. Karma really is a bitch.

  5. Not everyone can carve a coffee pot out of slate and pine needles like Brad. The rest of us spaghetti limbed plebs need a cheaper alternative to Amazon. It’s be a crying shame to see BBnB go the dodo.

  6. The Retarded Pedophile Usurper Biden’s destruction of the economy is proceeding apace. Both his supporters and the Americans will suffer – only the Political Maggots and Parasites, who’re able to steal $Millions upon $Millions, will profit.

    I only know of BB&B in a tangential way but if they made dumb choices then they’ll have to live with that – but if it’s a result of the economic destruction being wreaked upon us by the maggots in DC, there’s not much they can do about it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I know I’ve told this story before, but in a different context.

    Geoff C. and I went to China (not on vacay) in late ’96. One of our stops was the city of Nanchang, where both the Peoples’ Liberation Party (aka original CCP) was birthed as well as the city where the notorious Gang of Four (including Mao’s former wife) were later caught and executed. Huge city.

    In Nanchang, as in China’s other large cities, is a department store which is supposed to cater to western tastes (China’s earliest false front for western reporters wanting to know the success story of China’s communism). The store in Nanchang was six stories tall, like a modern, urban, American department store.

    To make a long (and interesting) story short: By the time we got to the 4th or 5th floor, the thousands of square feet on each floor were occupied by only a few dozen square feet of displayed merchandise; much of it obviously “pre-owned”, cheap, and displayed in ancient wood and glass cases of the kind that looked scavenged from pre-CCP department stores.

    This is what it felt like visiting BB&B at Christmastime a year ago. Huge square footage only about a third filled with merchandise, and most of that cheap, Chinese-made junk.

    It’s too bad. BB&B used to be my go-to for all kinds of very good cleaning products. They had a candle section that couldn’t be beat, and it was about the only place that stocked pure wool blankets (from American woolen mills).

    Plus, they were fun to shop at Christmastime!

  8. Fire the Woke, bring back the pillow and other cool stuff that has vanished, and start caring what people want again, and you could make a comeback. Or would that be racist?

  9. Who NEEDS Mike Lindell, anyway?

    We can turn it around by selling the David Hogg pillows like we contracted for instead.

    He DID start making those, right?


  10. They have a bunch a cheap sh!t from china, they are politically liberal to the point of being communistic. They have insulted me beyond my ability to tolerate them. They can ask Greta and David to save their a$$es because when the management goes woke they always go broke.

  11. I enjoyed shopping at BBB years ago when they ha decent small appliances, Yankee Candle and good quality towels. Then they changes and i saw the same brand of sheets as sold at Wally Mart except 3 times the price.

    It reached the point where the only things i bought there were on super sale hand towels for the car shelter, the occasional candle, heavier shower curtain liners. A year or so after ditching My Pillow the BBB in my county closed. I will not drive to the Akron or Cleveland store to shop. During the final closing I bought enough towels and those roasting pop up buttons to last years.


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