Bed Bug and Breakfast – IOTW Report

Bed Bug and Breakfast

The hipster doofus entrepreneurs are at it again. Now the big idea is to cut hotel lodging in half by pairing strangers up to share a hotel room.

Sounds great.

This, as tipster illustr8r says, is from the same generation of knuckleheads that demand a “safe space.”

The launch will take place in Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco, the 3 cities I’d have picked that would think this was a fantastic idea.

15 Comments on Bed Bug and Breakfast

  1. Sooo…is the idea sorta like an

    Gee, I remember my freshman year in college (all rooms doubles, no choice who your roomie was)…that was enough to swear me off that sorta sh!t FOREVER.

    The Czarina is my favorite roomie.


  2. Worthless hipster shit saves half on their hypodermic needles by sharing them. I say: Let them buy heroin on their EBT Card, that way the taxpaying citizenry is getting something for their investment. Give them free heroin and be done with them within a few short years instead of having them around for decades.

  3. Hipster #1: So she said he couldn’t get it up?
    Hipster #2: Yeah, but she’s not sure if it’s just all the heroin or that he’s actually queer.
    Hipster #1: But I mean, isn’t that the case for every dude from Metropolitan Seattle or Portland

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