Been There, Done That, Exonerated – IOTW Report

Been There, Done That, Exonerated

Just a reminder: Guess Who Cleared/Exonerated Manafort 8 Years Ago Of The Crime He’s Being Charged With Now? (Rosenstein)

h/t Bruce.

9 Comments on Been There, Done That, Exonerated

  1. It is a good thing the law about double jeopardy no longer applies, we did not get him last time, but we plan to this time, It shows how pathetic a team Muellers 20 mule team really is.
    Defendant’s lawer is a little lame as welt.

  2. Czar, at your link, T. A. said what I was thinking:

    “The irony of this is that “in limine” is normally requested by the defense to keep the prosecution from presenting evidence at trial that could be prejudicial to the defendant.”

    It’s like the exact opposite of everything we’ve been told about our wonderful judicial system and the sacrosanct rights of the defendant.

  3. The order comes from a pre-trial motion called an in limine motion. [in lim in ee]. It limits admissible evidence before the trial starts. All sides are entitled to bring the motion, and in civil cases they do. As Third Twin says, in criminal cases its usually just the defense bringing the motion.

    The motion in this was made by the prosecutors, arguing the earlier matter is more prejudicial to their case than it is probative of any relevant fact in the case. Both sides had a chance to tell the court their position on the matter, and the court made a ruling.

    Basically, the only way around this is if evidence comes in from the prosecutor’s questions, and answers to those questions, which violate the order. When that happens, the other side is no longer precluded from offering the evidence. They opened the door and the other side can walk through.

    Rosenstein is bound by the order along with Manafort’s team. The prosecution would have to do something violating the order before Manafort could offer evidence about the earlier matter.


    “Rosenstein is bound by the order along with Manafort’s team. The prosecution would have to do something violating the order before Manafort could offer evidence about the earlier matter.”

    Like have their ‘star witness’ Gates get cross examined?

  5. @Czar of Defenestration August 2, 2018 at 8:30 pm

    > Don’t understand the legalese details, but PERTINENT and IMPORTANT

    Happens ALL the time. Is standard procedure in “administrative proceedings”.

    Just because you were accused of being “in violation”, and were found to not be “in violation”, doesn’t mean you can not be accused, and found guilty, for doing the exact same thing, again.

  6. Sadly, guilt isn’t enough to make the difference when it comes to operatives on the Left. Being caught RED HANDED just gets them a slap on the wrist and a pat on the head as they’re sent off to wreak worse havoc on the US. I can’t understand how this happens so openly and is still allowed to continue unchecked.


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