Beer Distributors “Spooked” Over Reaction to Bud Light’s New Spokesweirdo – IOTW Report

Beer Distributors “Spooked” Over Reaction to Bud Light’s New Spokesweirdo

Fox News

“We reached out to a handful of A-B [Anheuser-Busch] distributors who were spooked, most particularly in the Heartland and the South, and even then in their more rural areas,” the trade publication wrote. 

In the short term, Beer Business Daily noted that data is very limited but “it appears likely Bud Light took a volume hit in some markets over the holiday weekend,” noting that the rural customers are also most likely to celebrate Easter. More

33 Comments on Beer Distributors “Spooked” Over Reaction to Bud Light’s New Spokesweirdo

  1. I wonder what PBR is going to do to keep up with marketing geniuses at A-B’s? PBR is already the preferred brand of the hipster community, how far removed could they be from the trans community at this point? I suspect a lot of crossover between them.

  2. Just make sure you investigate ALL of their brands and boycott ALL OF THEM. And NEVER STOP…EVER. Blacks went two years boycotting buses in the south. There are thousands of superior beers.

  3. @MrLiberty — Agreed! But if you want to boycott ALL OF THEM, you’ve got a lot of names to remember not to buy. Here’s a list of the hundreds, yes HUNDREDS of Anheuser-Busch InBev brands.

    In addition to all the Bud varieties, you’ve got Michelob, Busch, Corona, Natural Light, Shock Top, Stella Artois, Goose Island, Labatt (in Canada), and on and on.

  4. Every other street corner has a micro brewery producing really good beer. I’m surprised these huge breweries sell jack shit in the first place. That’s not what beers suppose to taste like.

  5. The “marketing genius” of Bud has no real life experience. She’s a product of a woke education and apparently is as dumb as a rock. The trans and LGB community make up 3.5-7% of the population depending upon whose statistics you use. Marketing to such a small group is probably not a sound business decision. They should have stuck with Clydesdales.

  6. I drink Michelob Amber Bock & Killian’s & I ain’t going to stop. I’m not paying $10/12 for a six-pack of some off the wall micro brew. I’m passed the quality over quantity bs.

  7. The neighbor’s son who moved back home after his divorce is a truck driver for the local A-B distributor. Two months ago he worked a 50-55 hour workweek. He is now going in an hour latter for work and is home at 1 or 2 pm. He is flying through his route as sales are off 75%.

  8. Never could drink Budweiser Lager (the “king”}, always seemed to give me a bad headache. Drank Bud Light once and found it refreshing on a hot summer day.

    Drank mostly Old Style (a staple in the Chicago region) back in the day, then got all fancy and went with Michelob/Michelob dark, back when it was considered up-scale. Went through a huge Moosehead stage; it was something no one else at the party had so I felt unique. All Canadian and stuff.

    Busch was often a go-to as it was super cheap and easy to drink when you needed a 12 pack for an all day event.

    I don’t consume a whole lot of anything now but when I do, it’s a craft beer, lately a Sierra Nevada pale ale. We have 14 or so breweries in town and each does a good job. After years of not drinking the mass-produced American-adjunct lagers that I did in my youth, I decided to try a couple to see what I thought. Really horrible, actually. Too sweet (PBR is sickeningly sweet, but still good from a keg if it’s really cold) and not enough ABV, and they give me bad acid reflux. Odd.

    I’d rather drink 1 or 2 craft beers that are at least 5.8% ABV.

  9. “Never could drink Budweiser Lager (the “king”}, always seemed to give me a bad headache. ”

    Me too. That’s why I brought up the formaldehyde. I’ve convinced myself that’s why that beer always gives me a headache.

  10. I have a hard time believing there aren’t cheap alternatives available across the nation. Seems everywhere there are mass produced regionals that are as good as A-B products. Obviously, a lot of people who use to drink Bud Light have found a reasonable substitute.

  11. Jeremy Clarkson has introduced his own Hawkstone Lager & joy of joys, my local brewery is going to be stocking it this summer! Can’t wait to have a drink or 12! Always avoided Bud & other American beers after a bad(really)dance with a night of Stroh’s beer. I’m more amendable to Bass, Guinness etc. The more full bodied, the better.

  12. I always thought all the Bud products tasted like they were filtered through old gym socks filled with orange peels.

    Maybe that’s why the mental metro perverts, who are prone to put anything in their mouths, prefer Bud products.

    It’s still a mostly free country (less and less under Biden), I really don’t care what LGBQTWXYZ drink as long as they don’t influence, shoot and kill school age children.

  13. In another lifetime when I drank the stuff I found Andeker to be my favorite. Expensive compared to the other that was out there and I understand they’ve brought it backing production recently. PBR owns it and I wonder if it’s the same as it was back in the late sixties / early seventies.

    I’ll leave it to the crew here to sample and get back to me as I’m allergic to alcohol. I break out in jail cells when I imbibe. Or should say when I used to… Add alcohol, instant asshole or some might say bigger one.

  14. Maybe the smaller beer brand compamies will be scared straight and not try to emulate these massive woke leftist crony corporations, which seemingly have endless, questionable financial resources. Crony corporations profit margins don’t really budge if they loss a brand.

    There isn’t a real consumer market for queer/trans…anything. Every need or desire a queer or transgender has is absorbed by other markets that already exists.

  15. I have eight pre-queer Bud lights in my garage refrigerator. Maybe they’ll grow in value like pre 64 Winchester model 94s? They’re not in the box, just singles, but I bet I can fake up a box… kind of like the more committed lunatic trannies do. It’ll be just like the real thing… classic pisswater, not to be confused with modern asswater. For sale, not cheap!


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