Before George Floyd there was Edward Bronstein – IOTW Report

Before George Floyd there was Edward Bronstein

Two years ago and we are just now hearing about this and seeing this? THIS happened BEFORE George Floyd but Edward was the “wrong” color, wasn’t he? – Corky

Daily Mail

‘My dad was a good person. He was treated like trash’: Daughter of LA DUI suspect who died after screaming ‘I can’t breathe’ 11 times calls for DA Gascon to file criminal charges against the cops who pinned him face-down as seen in horrifying video

  • Edward Bronstein, 38, died March 31, 2020 in Pasadena less than two months before George Floyd died in Minneapolis
  • Footage of his final moments was released by LA cops on Wednesday after his family sued to see the harrowing video  
  • He was pulled over for suspicion of drunk driving and police were forcing him to give blood for a sobriety test
  • His family sued for excessive use of force and violation of his civil rights
  • Daughter Brianna Palomino said her father ‘was treated like trash’ and did not deserve to die the way he did 
  • Video shows Bronstein being forced onto a mat in the police station’s garage while handcuffed then five officer kneel on his back as they extract blood
  • He screams ‘I can’t breathe’ 11 times before he eventually falls silent 
  • The California Highway Patrol fought the release of the video tape, but a federal judge ordered them to do so
  • Criminal justice experts say the tape shows a callous disregard for human life 


6 Comments on Before George Floyd there was Edward Bronstein

  1. He clearly stated his willingness to give his blood as they were flipping him down before killing him. Every officer present should be held to the George Floyd standard in court.

  2. They physically forced him to not use his Fifth Amendment Right and then proceeded (likely unknowingly) to slowly gang-kill him on camera like unstoppable, politely-ravenous animals.

    Shameful! Am globally embarrassed calling myself an American after watching this. Somebody here deserves a severe horsewhipping, whether it be the law makers, and/or law enforcers.

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