“Beginning Today, The United States of America Gets Back Control of Its Borders” – Donald Trump – IOTW Report

“Beginning Today, The United States of America Gets Back Control of Its Borders” – Donald Trump

The exact quote was

“Beginning today, the United States of America gets back control of its borders, gets back its borders.”

He’s like the anti-dope for the poison Obama was.

He’s single-handedly sucking out the Obama venom.



18 Comments on “Beginning Today, The United States of America Gets Back Control of Its Borders” – Donald Trump

  1. Finally. At last common sense has been restored to our country. For years Republicans have allowed this invasion on our Southern Border with the idea that all these Mexicans, Latinos, Hispanics and Spanish speaking illegal aliens were eventually going to become conservatives. Democrats knew that they were the future of their political party, and that’s why they never passed “comprehensive immigration reform” when they controlled Congress. The laws have been ignored for several decades while this charade played out and our country turned into the United States of Northern Mexico. This invasion of illegal aliens is the greatest threat to our country in its history. God speed, President Donald J. Trump.

  2. I heard a man on the other side of the border who was speaking to a lib reporter here, say that they hate Trump. I wonder why it is an “alien” concept to someone like him to have honor and respect the fact that this is not his country. He gets no opinion. The reporter obviously felt his pain.

    It’s what we’re on.

  3. Trump is enforcing United States immigration laws – nothing more, nothing less. That is his job and his duty. We have hand-wringing and teeth gnashing over whether or not the President of the United States should fulfill the obligations and responsibility of his office.

    If one doesn’t like our immigration laws, then have Congress change them. If you want open borders, then petition and lobby Congress to provide for this. But as for me, the whining and wailing about the President enforcing laws is falling on deaf ears.

  4. Barry was just doing what was natural – allowing strangers to molest the Country, now he’s off on a love tug in CA, and Mooch – is she doing gender re-assignment surgery in the Caribbean?
    What a wonderful life.

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