Behenna Pardon Outraging Indignant, Yet Ignorant, Twitterati – IOTW Report

Behenna Pardon Outraging Indignant, Yet Ignorant, Twitterati

All the usual morons are expelling hot air from their face anuses on Twitter today.

They are outraged by the president’s pardon of Michael Behenna, the U.S. Army 1st Lieutenant convicted of unpremeditated murder of a terrorist detainee in Iraq.

Ali Mansur was a well known explosives trafficker for Al Qa’ida. Mansur’s handiwork, Behenna was sure, was responsible for the IED that killed members of his Mad Dog 5 platoon.

5’4″ Steven Christofferson lost a coin toss and had to stand on a case of Gatorade in order to man the gun turret in the platoon’s patrolling MRAP vehicle (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected).

Christofferson was blown clear of the vehicle after the IED detonated. He was found, eyes and mouth agape, hands at his sides. The lower half of his body was gone. Army Sgt. Adam J. Kohlhaas was also dead from massive internal injuries.

Behenna was certain Mansur delivered the IED. He was tipped off weeks prior to avoid certain routes because Mansur (mentioned by name in the tip) had boobytrapped them.

Mad Dog 5 went to Mansur’s house, but Behenna’s interrogation did not elicit a confession. They turned him over to Army intelligence.

They, also could not get a confession.

Behenna was tasked to return Mansur to his house. He took a detour on his way there, trying one last time to get a confession. He brought him to a railroad station, stripped him naked and held a Glock to his head and told him to give up the names of the people behind the explosion or he was going to kill him. Behenna’s translator got scared and left.

Mansur, fearing for his life, was ready to talk. He said so in Arabic. When Behenna turned to retrieve the translator, Mansur threw a chunk of cement at him.

Behenna shot him dead. He was charged with unpremeditated murder.

The Army prosecution hired a forensics expert to try and piece together, in his opinion, the truth of the matter. His findings were that Behenna’s version of events were factual.

The Army prosecution, however, quashed this evidence and did not supply it to the defense, as per law. In a just world, this would have resulted in a mistrial. Behenna was sent to prison. In some circles this is what’s known as a railroading.

Trump pardoned him.

Today, the loudest aholes on Twitter know none of this information. But it wouldn’t matter if they did.

They, I presume, were perfectly content with Clinton’s pardon of the FALN paramilitary members who were responsible for the bombing deaths of law enforcement officers and the maiming of dozens of others.

They also, I’m sure,  tweet with zeal every time the Innocence Project frees a man because of prosecutorial error.



This post relied heavily on the information provided by SCOTUSblog.


14 Comments on Behenna Pardon Outraging Indignant, Yet Ignorant, Twitterati

  1. A lot of the outrage on the internet comes from our enemies in foreign countries. It’s part of the propaganda war. There are plenty of morons here that pick it up and go with it. It’s why we have muslims in gov’t.

  2. Thank God Trump won.

    The only things a combat solder should face charges for are rape, maliciously hurting children or something on par of Mi Lay massacre. Short of that- anything goes.

    The Geneva Convention says if a combatant is caught not wearing a uniform they can be executed on the spot. If we can shoot them on the spot I have no problem stripping them naked and asking them questions with the threat of being shot. If we send our sons and daughters into a combat zone then by God let them fight like they are in a combat zone. If we can’t do that we have no business sending them there in the first place.

    To be clear- if a town puts up resistance and to end the resistance we kill every single person there Man, woman, child, dogs and cattle then that is how it goes. If our troops walk into a town that has given no resistance and they light the place up there is no call for that. This is how war has been conducted since the dawn of time. If those places don’t like it don’t do things that bring war to you.

    If we had set that tone for how “the war on terror” was to be waged the “war on terror” would have ended circa 2005. Either the population that gives aid, comfort and recruits to the terrorists would all be dead or had undergone a paradigm shift so powerful that the terrorist would have no place of refuge and no replacement members. But I digress.

  3. “Thank God Trump won.” -Pelopidas

    And pray he is reelected. I’m still trying to fathom how close we came “to losing IT” to Hillary Rodham Clinton and where we’d be today.


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