Behind bars with O.J. – IOTW Report

Behind bars with O.J.

LAT: Prisoner 1027820 is treated in many ways like any other inmate at the Lovelock Correctional Center in Nevada: He gets the same standard issue blue uniform. He shares a bunk, toilet and sink with a cellmate. He rises around 6:30 a.m., eats an early breakfast — he likes cold cereal, with a muffin and fruit — then heads to his work shift.

He toils in the prison gym, cleaning equipment and mopping floors, four days a week. Like many older inmates, he contends with age and ailments, including bad knees, and he works out on weight machines regularly to stay fit. He also coaches prison sports teams, umpires games and recently became prison softball league commissioner.

But prisoner 1027820 isn’t just another inmate. He is O.J. Simpson: football legend and convicted felon serving nine to 33 years for armed robbery and kidnapping committed in 2007.

“He’s popular especially with the sports crowd — guys go up to him and ask him what he thinks about current sports teams,” said Jon Hawkins, a former Lovelock inmate who was released on parole this year. Mostly, he said, “O.J. is just a regular dude. He does his job and he goes to his cell.”  MORE

9 Comments on Behind bars with O.J.

  1. I’ll probably take a hit for this, but let OJ go! He beat the first rap and was snagged on a bogus rap the second time around. Al Capone went to jail on tax evasion. Why isn’t Al Sharpton doing time, too? And Obama….don’t get me started. Free OJ!

  2. What was the last thing Nicole said to OJ?
    – Yeah I’m screwing that waiter dude. What are you going to do about it?

    What was the last thing Ron Goldman said?
    – Wow. It’s OJ Simpson! Can I have your autograph?

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