BEHOLD! This Stupid C is Leading in the Polls!! – IOTW Report

BEHOLD! This Stupid C is Leading in the Polls!!

If she is leading in the polls, there is no hope for America. She is a retarded whore. That would make the majority of voters dumber than her.

29 Comments on BEHOLD! This Stupid C is Leading in the Polls!!

  1. She will lead all the way through election day. This is the reason Joe was booted. The majority of Americans knew he couldn’t win.
    That would have made the STEAL too obvious.
    Now the STEAL has new legs.

  2. Not much different than the Lo-IQ, pig-eyed puppet we’ve been saddled with for 3.5 years.
    I doesn’t matter what face they put on that cardboard cut out of a “President”

  3. It happened to us with JUSTINE TURDETTE.

    Never underestimate the stupidity of the Products that the Modern edjumacashun sistim is Producimicatin.

  4. YES, it is a game.

    If they are allowed to pull this off, I am completely in favor of a second revolutionary war that would make the first one look like a childhood picnic.
    Any reason why not? What the hell is there to lose?
    Our 1st. Amendment has been/is being stomped on like an elephant that’s pissed at mice.

    Our 2nd Amendment has been/is being under attack as though the liberal commie’s utopia depends on it.

  5. Now I see how Rome fell – and they didn’t have the internet where individuals could do their own research.
    Hell, they didn’t even have newspapers.
    Most couldn’t even read.
    I’m so embarrassed for my world…

  6. Let’s start with this…

    Prices have gone up.

    And families are having to deal with your crap and Joe’s dirty diaper.

    Together, you’re the biggest piles of excrement from any hominids since Gigantopithecus, who could crap five gallons just by burping or sneezing.

    You both are absolutely pathetic and we’re done with both of you.

    Get the hell out.

  7. I hate goddam morons who POINT WITH THEIR THUMB. And use their hands to make their own retarded sign language for every word they say.

    And she’s nowhere near leading in anything but the polls which are nothing but plausible viability astroturf. She’s lucky she’s got knee-pads, or she’d have some sick rug burns.

    But yes, the fix is in, for her or whoever they might ditch her for. This country will become ungovernable without camps, lockdowns, razorwire and checkpoints in a few months.

  8. CumAllahLa Harass for, uhhh, anyway, you know the thing.

    Joe Biden: I endorse CumAllahLa Harass.

    Barry Soetoro: Never underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to fvck things up.

  9. LasVegasBrad,

    It is HEAVEN outside the Cities & far away from the Welfare State.

    Heck, even Rural Quebec (think New Jersey) is GREAT among the Salt of the Earth People.

    Cheers! (Makers Mark tonight)

  10. And all the way until Election Day – in every speech – she will have the most sophisticated earpiece filled with the fundamental transformer himself,
    Mr. ‘I’m smarter when everybody’ Barry the ass pimple.

  11. Hey Friends, let’s keep our eyes on Jesus, first. Only God knows how to deal with this level of deceit and attempted theft of our One Country Under God. All things work for good for those who love God and are called according his purpose. That means you, and you, and you, and me. Each of us is called according to his purpose when we surrender our will to his and have faith in how he works this out.

    This is what makes any of this tolerable, and it’s better than taking blood pressure meds.

  12. If they REALLY wanted to insult us, they could “nominate” a turnip wearing aviators … oh … maybe that’d be too obvious … guess this is the next-best thing.


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