Being Sarcastic? – IOTW Report

Being Sarcastic?

Here are the problems.

Was Hillary diagnosed with pneumonia in Chelsea’s apartment?

Why did she approach and touch a little girl outside Chelsea’s apartment with pneumonia?

How does a presidential candidate with a hacking cough, spitting up green globules, not get diagnosed sooner than the day she wobbles and jelly legs to the ground?


Oh, I see. She was diagnosed Friday and they didn’t issue a press release. How transparent.

So, they have shown they will hide an illness until forced to admit it.

Also, didn’t she go to a fundraising gala on Friday night, the day she was told by a doctor to get bed rest?




47 Comments on Being Sarcastic?

  1. Couldn’t handle a beautiful day, on her own turf, in perfect weather, ideal temperature, surrounded by throngs of sycophants? She ain’t cut out to be anything other than a defendant. Even when she was perfectly healthy she could not deal with Benghazi. Phony piece of shit.

  2. Allegedly she was diagnosed Friday by her doctor. That information was not given out until this afternoon. Amazing how she was able to attend the Streisand fundraiser Friday night and talk about Basket of Deplorables.

  3. From WebMD:
    What Causes Pneumonia?
    Usually the inflammation is caused by a bacterial infection, but it can also be caused by a virus, fungus, or parasite.
    Many of these germs are all around us. They usually can’t get past a healthy person’s natural defenses. Pneumonia is most common in those with weaker or compromised immune systems, such as elderly people, cigarette smokers, alcoholics, and people suffering from other diseases.
    OK bitch, what is it?
    You’re 68 – elderly
    We never see you smoke.
    Are you an alcoholic? – many people believe you are
    Mmmmmmm – diseases….like PD, cancer, aids, herpes?

  4. I don’t anticipate hearing any truth from Hillary, her handlers, her campaign, media or the talking heads.
    The fix is in…….as it always has been.
    The more Hillary and her media protectors lie the angrier I become.

  5. How is it this woman constantly gets dehydrated, or at least that’s what we’re told. This overheating scenario comes with dehydration and pneumonia. The overheating can be related to pneumonia, but the dehydration bit, c’mon. She apparently was diagnosed Friday. What’s the FIRST goddamn thing doctors tell you to do when you’re sick: DRINK LOTS OF LIQUIDS. Especially when there are bouts of dehydration in the past. Come out and spill the beans, these pissants can’t hide the truth anymore than I can hike her limp wide ass through my legs like a football.

  6. She looked horrific when she showed up this morning. If she had pneumonia diagnosed last Friday wouldn’t she have used that as her excuse for the coughing, particularly when another video of her abruptly ending her conversation and hacking behind a pillar surfaced? Then she could have begged out of any weekend events which her faithful media would cover the image by mocking any criticism. And they wait over 8 hours today to mention that diagnosis until they had time to realize this wasn’t going to be able to be covered or go away. Everyone was so proficient in covering her and getting her ass in that van you have to wonder if this is regular event. New hire next week for shoe detail.

  7. This whole thing stinks.

    Waiting to announce her diagnosis until today, after an obvious public display of bad health, reminded me of Buckingham Palace having to admit that the Duchess of Cambridge was pregnant when she was hospitalized for hyperemesis gravidarum. Only there wasn’t a pernicious reason for wanting to withhold the news–most pregnant women don’t want to “come out” until they’ve passed the treacherous first trimester, when miscarriages are most likely to occur.


    Why TF was she even let out of the house? Not only can pneumonia be contagious, but rest is the universal cure for nearly every illness.

    Did she really think it was a good idea to enter a home that includes two babies, one only three months old and the other not quite two?

    Why did she touch that little girl outside the apartment building?

    Why were her activities for the next few days not immediately curtailed? Let Dr. Bardak be the bad guy!

    How much money do you want to bet that the first debate will either be postponed, or cancelled altogether? And that this will be her excuse to delay the September 28 deadline for her answers to those pesky questions?

  8. It would explain her hacking half a lung into a water glass, but that dry cough seems pretty strange for someone with phlegm in the lungs.

    If she’s so sick that she’s passing out she should be at home with Huma rubbing so eucalyptus stuff across her chest.

  9. Oh, shit.

    I just realized that at 800 square feet, my apartment is not big enough to store all the popcorn I’ll be needing for the next two months.

    Guess I’ll just have to rent one of those storage units.

  10. Now we know what happened on the infamous photo of her being dragged up the stairs. And the blue glasses today, a precaution to stave off seizure triggers. Nice touch sending her out alone with her hand bag to stumble around and use a child for a photo-op.

  11. The old bitch doesn’t have pneumonia. Although if she did, it could be aspiration pneumonia caused by her Parkinson’s, as Parkinson’s patients have trouble swallowing. That also explains her coughing fits, where she aspirates saliva and begins hacking. All their excuses reek of desperation.

    I’ve seen many comments on other sites that say the person who exited Chelsea’s apartment was a body double, who lost some double chins and part of her ass fat. LOL. Unfortunately, is still sounded like Hillary. That grating voice. Please God, have mercy on us. Don’t subject us to that voice for the next 4 years.

  12. I’m voting for the DNC to keep it under wraps — until after she loses the election. Let her try to do the debates — and lose.

    She has Parkinson’s, it seems clear. It won’t get better, only worse (but slowly) and my hope is that the arrogant greedy bitch will be allowed to struggle on, pretending, until she loses the election in a historic, never-seen-before defeat.

    With luck, the final nail in the coffin of the Clintons.
    ….Lady in Red

  13. @LIR – I hope you’re right and they let her continue on to the election. She is much less electable than anyone else they could throw up there.

    And yes, Parkinson’s does have a slow progression but I believe she has been dealing with it for at least 10 years, and this year she is fading fast. I think she’s fast approaching end-stage.

  14. Yep, Callie, but “for the good of the American people (and the Clinton Foundation) she will soldier on….” (cough, cough)

    She has never had a thought for anyone beyond her grasping, greedy relatives and her uncontrollable lust for power. …Lady in Red

  15. To be honest we want the dirty stuff from the State Dept to continue and the doubts on her health to slow drip as well till the election.

    We don’t want her to get worse or continue this route on her health because they may just put up another candidate, Kaine, etc. The Dems could rally around that.

    Do we want her to get replaced or not.?
    What gives the best chance to win?

    A dirty, lying Hillary with doubts on her health or would a replacement candidate be better for us to win?

  16. From personal experience any time you are in the hospital they want to give you a flu shot. It seems like over 40’s or those ‘at risk’ are pestered to get a pneumonia vaccine.
    With the world class care and her past health issues surely she’s been given a pneumonia vaccine.

    I think she has Satanitis. The Devil has come to claim her soul and she is trying to resist.

  17. I still maintain she has Parkinsons, and as others have speculated, its been with her more than just recently. With her money and self-centered care, she would have pneumonia vaccination, flu vaccination, hoof-in-mouth and madcow vaccinations. What she did was collapse, regardless of the cause. What is against her is non-belief in any words from her or any team member’s mouth. She is sick, but vain enough to struggle forward to the finish line, even if they have to drag her dead carcass across it. It must be horrible to know that the only ones who believe your lies are the sycophants sucking the blood from your death by a thousand cuts.

  18. SO if this ol’ broad has parkinsons? It takes 5-6 years or more when first diagnosed to get this bad. Maybe less, but most dems and republicans that met her must have seen her acting weird, but never mentioned it? Not even a rumor?

    Awfully quiet out there. . . too quiet.

  19. Voir Dire, the doc who says she has Parkinsons also said that a leading cause of death in Parkinsons patients is infection from pneumonia, because they can’t swallow properly, and food ends up in the lungs.

  20. Hector, the parasitic twin that lives in Hilary’s abdomen, wants out and is causing trouble because of all the stalling on her part.
    Try as she might he refuses to be reabsorbed and wants his own, separate identity.
    She keeps promising to let him out, but reneges at the last minute
    She promised him if she wins she will have him cut out, but apparently her drinking is fueling his agitation because he’s a meaner drunk than she is.

  21. Eugenia – whoa, that is amazing. That woman does look like Sick Hillary. And you’re right – where were the secret service agents when she left the apartment? Sometimes I feel like I should be wearing a tin-foil hat, but with the filthy Donks, I don’t put anything past them.

  22. I have noticed and we may in fact see more of this from the MSM media this week, at first I knew their defense of Hillary reminded me of something, but I couldn’t quite place it. They kept reporting what they want to be the truth while the lying world of reality keeps intruding on the meme they desperately want America to believe. They are starting to get desperate and unhinged as they see their facade dissolve into video of a catatonic zombie being thrown into a van like a block of wood. Then it hits me…the picture that perfectly fits the MSM talking points…the Army cadet in the movie Animal House standing on the street corner screaming at the top of his lungs “Remain calm, ALL IS WELL!” while the riot continues to ignore him as if he doesn’t exist. When will the powers that be finally recognize that they have lost control and tell their lapdogs in the MSM to sit down and shut up? Or will they decide to slip from their collar and start doing their job? No that is just wishful thinking, they are just as cowardly as they are corrupt and controlled.

    MSG Deplorable Grumpy

  23. There’s no way this was pneumonia that was diagnosed on Friday, but only mentioned on Sunday evening. Sunday was a down day at home and to my wife’s disdain, I followed it closely throughout the day.

    First, the campaign let this story languish for the better part of 7 hours before meekly letting the pneumonia line seep out for a very willing MSM to scarf up and run with it. The video showed that if she hadn’t been being actively held up (even while she was left leaning against the post), she would have collapsed and in fact did collapse as she was removed from the post. Everyone around her went on as if they were making a routine walk toward the van. Only when she was actually collapsing did they show any increased tempo and do the body wall. As bad as the video was, if they had had a valid excuse they would have rushed it out; even if only for sympathy.

    Second, Hillary was hugging way too many people at the event and after the incident at Chelsea’s apartment. If she had had pneumonia, surely she wouldn’t have been acting like an uncaring Carrier 1.

    Third, DC Whispers had already posted on Friday ““She’s tired.”

    That’s the apparent admission from more than a few affiliated with the Clinton campaign.”

    The MSM and others in the Clinton Support Network can continue to assist her growing story-line, or they can be journalists. First place to start is why none, not one of her security detail showed the slightest bit of surprise at her condition. Training is one thing, but human surprise is impossible to hide by that many people. After that, they can start working on the history of why.

    My wife has the theory that Hillary’s campaign is being propped up long enough to get Kaine near the finish line. She’ll then get dropped medically so the MSM and democrat party can rally around Kaine to protect America from Trump; rallying all the Reagan democrats who were gravitating toward Trump. It might even give the nevertrumpers something to rally behind.

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