Belarus Sends Its Nobel Prize Winner to Prison for 10 Years – IOTW Report

Belarus Sends Its Nobel Prize Winner to Prison for 10 Years

Daily Caller

Nobel Peace Prize winner Ales Bialiatski will spend the next 10 years in a maximum-security prison, according to an announcement from Russia state news outlet TASS cited by CNN.

A Minsk, Belarus, court sentenced the acclaimed activist to 10 years Friday after finding him guilty of smuggling charges, according to CNN.

Bialiatski and three other human rights activists faced charges of financing 2020 Belarusian presidential election fraud protests and smuggling cash from the European Union, according to Politico. The other activists were reportedly sentenced to prison terms ranging from seven to nine years. Further

9 Comments on Belarus Sends Its Nobel Prize Winner to Prison for 10 Years

  1. Over the years there have been quite a few Peace Prize wi9nners that should have gone to prison. Obama and Arafat come immediately to mind. I’m sure there’s more!!

  2. It is tough to GIVE a SHIT about politics in Belarus when you live in a Country that locks up the leaders of the MOST PEACEFUL & POLITE PROTEST IN HUMAN HISTORY & FREEZES THEIR BANK ACCOUNTS AFTER THEY FED A NATION & HAULED CRITICAL SUPPLIES to market during COOF-1984.

  3. Apparently Belarus is as corrupt as Russia, Ukraine, UK, Canada, and the United States of America.

    The guy protested election fraud – sound familiar?
    Kind of their own J-6 bullshit oppression and illegal incarceration.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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