Belichick Turns Down Presidential Freedom Award – IOTW Report

Belichick Turns Down Presidential Freedom Award


New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick announced Monday night that he will turn down an invitation to the White House to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom. More

26 Comments on Belichick Turns Down Presidential Freedom Award

  1. I’m not really sure why he deserved it anyway. So don’t let the door hit in you in the backside.
    That’s one of Trump’s greatest faults is trusting someone who says something favorable of him.

  2. I’m opposed to presidents handing out Medals of Freedom to entertainers and sports personalities to begin with. Then, to have a jackass turn it down for a trumped up reason really ticks me off. Belichick, what a chump!

  3. I’m a Pats and Brady fan but no one wants be characterized as a racist and even though Trump is furthest from being a racist the left has painted associating with him as such.

    Ultimately I do not understand what a high paid football coach has to do with Freedom anyway but Very Disappointed in Bill.

    Brady seems to be answering the question, was it Bill, Brady or in actual fact Bill, Brady & Kraft ALL working together as a TEAM.

    If the USA could get its act together and work as a team, with civil disagreement and resolution, it would be unchallenged by the rest of the world.

  4. A football coach who has done nothing but win in the sport he is paid to win in has done nothing to be honored with such an award. So tell him to take his woke paranoia back to his locker room and leave us non-NFL citizens alone. He just illustrated why the NFL ratings are tanking. Get woke Go broke!

  5. So what. Belichick has ALWAYS been an asshole.

    Maybe he realizes accepting it makes him look like an asshole. Maybe that’s why Trump nominated him. lol

    Plus, is ANYTHING about the NFL worth noting? Maybe that admirable athletes like Herschel Walker retired LONG ago, before pro football became trash.

  6. I can’t for the life of me figure out these turncoats. He supported Trump for years and then found a chickenshit excuse to abandon him.

    We used to be the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. That all seems to be gone. Belichek kicked Trump in the teeth when he was down. A disgusting display of cowardice.

    One of the greatest leaders in US history has been treated like dirt by his friends and associates.

  7. The coach of the New England Benedict’s did not turn down the award because he doesn’t believe in participation trophies, he turned it down because he’s a politically correct chicken shit!

  8. As I said I don’t like Belichick but it matters not whether he accepted or turned down this award. If he accepted, the left would crowing about Trump giving awards to undeserving people. Turning it down, the left will be crowing about a slap in the face for Trump.

    This was probably all started by some twit left over from the oblama administration residing in the office behind the furnace room in the basement of the White House. I hope Trump has more important things to do than give useless awards to useless people.

  9. If I were Trump and it was my last day in office, with all the shit they put him, his wife, and family through…I’d start with pardoning Kyle Rittenhouse and give him one of those freedom or patriot medals. If I really wanted revenge, I’d pardon the 4 cops who were involved with the death of George Floyd. Or just go completely nuclear and pardon everyone who was involved on Dec. 6th at the Capitol – just to stick it to those F’n Dems!
    But, Hey! that’s just me.


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