#Believe All Journalists – IOTW Report

#Believe All Journalists

16 Comments on #Believe All Journalists

  1. Goes hand-in-hand with all the lies they’re spewing over this flu bullshit.
    Lying seems to be the only way they can gin up fear.
    And we have plenty of ignorant fearful cowards among us.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. And they wonder why so many people have distrust in journalism and broadcast ratings keep falling. I tried to watch the local and world news last night after not seeing it for a while. Truly shocking how far left it all is. Couldn’t watch it all back to trusted websites.

  3. I haven’t believed almost all journalists or media types for well over 30 years now. I don’t believe a damn word that they say about anything. I learned how to think for myself a long time ago and don’t need some priestly, elitist, snobby, hoity toity, in my face jackass of a media type tell me how to think correctly or else. Like the old John Prine song goes blow up your TV, throw away your paper, move to the country etc.

  4. @ Anonymous I got that response from facebook when I posted the photos there, possible, mmmm yeah possible but I doubt it. more likely facebook factcheckers running ass covering for mainstream news media lies.

  5. got “factchecked” on the “we’re getting crushed” meme too there “fact check” was that there is no “ligma variant” which of course is a total strawman response.

  6. When in college I took a public speaking class. We had to get in front of the class and speak for a short length of time on a topic covered in the day’s paper.

    I took a short article and read it to the class changing each and every instance in which the word “may” was being used to give the author, editor and publisher plausible deniability and to “may not.”

    Then I pointed out that I had not changed anything regarding the validity of any of the claims being made, however I had changed how the average moron and even above average morons, not to mention 100% of coeds who were not died in the wool Constitutional conservatives would perceive the article.

    A rather heated discussion followed that damn near turned into a mostly peaceful demonstration.


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