Believing the Taliban is like believing… the left – IOTW Report

Believing the Taliban is like believing… the left

The Times-

Taliban to ban on music and women out alone.

The Taliban will ban music in Afghanistan and require women to travel with a male chaperone, despite claims the group will be more liberal than the brutal regime of 20 years ago.

The Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said women will be permitted to work and go to school under the new Islamic Emirate, still taking shape after the militants swept into Kabul almost two weeks ago. Speaking to The New York Times, he insisted that women must wear the hijab and be escorted by a man on longer trips. He also said that music would be banned, dismissing it as un-Islamic.

“Music is forbidden in Islam, but we’re hoping that we can persuade people not to do such things, instead of pressure them,” he said.

He denied that Afghans were being refused entry to Kabul airport as the desperate evacuation effort goes on, insisting that those with valid travel documents would be permitted to leave the country.

“They need passports and visas for the countries they’re going to, and then they can leave by air. If their documents are valid, then we’re not going to ask what they were doing before,” Mujahid told The New York Times.

He also voiced frustration at the evacuation effort, claiming western powers were pillaging Afghanistan’s best minds as they depart the country.

“They shouldn’t interfere in our country and take out our human resources: doctors, professors and other people we need here,” he said. “In America, they might become dishwashers or cooks. It’s inhuman.”


9 Comments on Believing the Taliban is like believing… the left

  1. There is something just a little bit unsettling about a Taliban representative using the term “inhuman”. To quote Inigo Montoya “You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means”.

  2. The American and European left envies the Taliban, ISIS etc’s ability to put their dreams of controlling everyone into practice. This much I can promise you.

    Unlike Constitutional conservatives who pity the oppressor, the followers of the progressive movement wish to displace those with the power and desire to oppress others. The reason I keep reiterating that it is foolhardiness to concede good intentions to the bastards is because I have personal experience living around them for over half a century and have listened to their own words and studied them closely. They are Satan’s footsoldiers, hell bent on increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death.

  3. You better watch out,
    The mission’s in doubt,
    People will die,
    I’m telling you why,
    Taliban is gunning them down.

    Joe gave ‘em a list,
    They’re checking it once,
    Then killing them all,
    Yeah, Joe’s a big dunce.
    Taliban is gunning them down…

  4. The Taliban is exactly who they say they are.
    I do not agree with them on any level at all, but they mean what say and they do not misrepresent themselves.

    The Democrats no longer have anything to do with democracy, morals or freedom of thought. They are complete liars.

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