Ben and Jerry Team with To Create Dem Inspired Ice Cream Flavors – IOTW Report

Ben and Jerry Team with To Create Dem Inspired Ice Cream Flavors

Well, if this doesn’t inspire us to riff, nothing will.

Wash Times

“We need a Democratic majority to check President Trump’s unrestrained power,” Mr. Cohen and Mr. Greenfieldsaid in a press release on’s website. “And we also need to send progressive champions to Congress who will fix our health care system with Medicare for All, protect clean air and water, and get big money out of politics.

“But we need your help! We need to come up with seven amazing ice cream flavors (and flavor names) that not only taste great but also capture the essence of what each candidate stands for,” they said.



How ’bout

Hillary’s Hammered Blackberry?

Obama’s No AchieveMINT



134 Comments on Ben and Jerry Team with To Create Dem Inspired Ice Cream Flavors

  1. They need to cross-dress those flavors to attract more dems. Blueberry should taste like cherry.

    They need essence of fresh pound-of-butthole infused with hairy-armpit-sweat-drip and toejam. That’ll attract the great socialists!

  2. I would not support this of course…cough cough but WOULDN’T IT BE FUN TO BE IN EVERY GROCERY WHEN THIS EXCREMENT COMES OUT AND PUT 4 OR 5 IN YOUR CART AND JUST ACCIDENTALLY CONTINUE TO LEAVE THEM IN A NON-FREEZER AISLE TO MELT? If every principled conservative did this, Ben and Jerry would be left with nothing but their favorite flavor, Fudge Pack Delight

  3. Cankles side of beef van-illa toss surprise, tastes like 4 day old huma clitty litter and chardonnay piss
    Brennans pinched nuts sour puss swirl with scabby forehead sluffings


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