Ben Carson Answers the Charge of Being an “Uncle Tom” – IOTW Report

Ben Carson Answers the Charge of Being an “Uncle Tom”

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“I’ve done things… that elevate people, not things that depress people and make them dependent.”

Carson also quotes the left’s favorite modern politician, Lyndon B. Johnson, and his infamous quip, “I’ll have these niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years.”

13 Comments on Ben Carson Answers the Charge of Being an “Uncle Tom”

  1. The “tolerant” left. Only as long as you think the way they tell you too. To think different is to open yourself up to the most vile attacks, regardless of how racist, bigoted, homophobic, etc etc, they are.

  2. “I’ll have these niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years.”

    Is there a video or document with this within? I would really love to get a hold of it and help it go screaming viral. I’d especially love to post it to people who when you pose a question answer, “Racist.” When you cite statistics: “Racist.” When you talk about Democrat history: “Racist.” Every time they say it I’d post that and MAKE them effing answer to it.

    **fans self and takes a deep breath**

    I’m SOOOO fed up with people whose mantra is “racist” and it is the only answer they can ever supply, and STILL their party completely ignores that!

  3. I prefer to judge Dr. Carson based on his character and accomplishments and not the color of his skin. He is a very decent and intelligent person. Regardless of how he does in the nominating process, if someone else wins, he needs to be given a high level cabinet position.

  4. I was with my ‘Uncle Tom’ at Woolworths back in the 60’s.
    Blacks out numbered whites on this day, so I was told. Years later.
    Apparently I was yelling at the top of my lungs for my ‘uncle Tom’. Come over here look at this. Over and over.
    This story is told at every family get together.

  5. Nice guy, but not good presidential material. On forced vaccines:

    On harsher gun control:

    We’ve currently have a guy in the WH who doesn’t know his butt from a hole in the ground Constitution wise. We don’t need another one.

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