Ben Carson Pokes At Progressive Sacred Ground – IOTW Report

Ben Carson Pokes At Progressive Sacred Ground

Carson says if he is elected president he’d be the 1st black president.

He says Obama is not an authentic black dude growing up with the American black experience. “He grew up white.”

I’m happy that Carson is trolling the left, but his line of thinking is not going to impress the right. I could not care less about identity politics,

I’m not eager to install a demographic into important positions, I’m eager to install someone with ideas I like.

If that person is black, I have to admit, it makes the proposition a bit sweeter. I would just simply enjoy watching the left’s narrative lock up because of severe programming conflicts.

They’d have to zap the pram every night.


15 Comments on Ben Carson Pokes At Progressive Sacred Ground

  1. 50/50 is both/neither ‘black’ nor ‘white’. Neither is a majority. The first person elected President that is 51% or more will be the true ‘first black’ President. But… this ‘first’ BS is something we need to get past. We take it to absurdity.

  2. Carson is the ONLY candidate to mention the $200Trillion in unfunded liabilities.

    I don’t really GAF who’s blacker … or whiter … or who has a vagina … or a dick … or IS a dick …

  3. If Obama grew up white, we’d have access to his school transcripts. If he grew up black, he’d still be stuck in Chicago, probably with a bullet.

    Unfortunately for all of us, he grew up Muslim. (fuck it, they are calling me racist, I’ll call muslims a race.)

  4. In this case, Carson is not trolling the Left OR the Right.

    I suspect he personally know he has ZERO chance of winning (or even somewhat influencing…at this point?) so – being the moral, decent guy he is – he’s taking the opportunity of having the public megaphone to diplomatically trash political correctness.

    Bless him!
    I wish him the best in his future endeavors.

  5. Pandering to different segments of the population is not the answer. It is past time we had a President for Americans. I don’t care if you are white, yellow, black, or green. I don’t care if you are Irish, German, Chinese, Egyptian or Martian. If you are an honest, non-parasitic, patriotic, non-hyphenated, American then we are on the same team.

  6. Any way you look at it, I LOVE that Carson is poking the sacred black cow of the Libtard Left, and pointing out the empty suit that is O’Bozo.

    And BTW, I had always heard that Slick Willy was our first “black” president.

  7. That’s what I used to say when I was pulling for Ben — after the dressing down he gave 0bama at the Prayer Breakfast — that he’d be the first black president.

    And besides that, I don’t count 0bama as a legitimate “president”. That last election was a scam too, more people voted for him than were registered.

    I like it when Ben Carson puts Barry in his place. I think Ben knows that place should be federal prison.

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