Ben Carson Says Some Unusually Stupid Things Sometimes – IOTW Report

Ben Carson Says Some Unusually Stupid Things Sometimes

Ben Carson says he would have “simply arrested” Michael Brown, implying that Officer Darren Wilson had that option but chose to shoot Brown instead.


42 Comments on Ben Carson Says Some Unusually Stupid Things Sometimes

  1. JD Hasty. No he would have gotten his ass kicked or killed, which would suit the scumbags of Ferguson just fine. But there would be no riots and the Revolutionary Communist Party would have to wait for the next “incident.”

  2. Cruz has the exact same effect on me when he starts his Baptist Minister impression durring a speech. Jeez dude stop already with the perfectly timed hesitations. Just Fing talk to me.

  3. Carson is that genius nerd/geek in high school who always wanted to be like the cool kids. The Christian sect, (Seven Day Adventist) he belongs to doesn’t help much. They are in general, pacifists and somewhat isolationists.
    He is pandering and clueless about the militant leftist culture that dominates the black community 2015. The left is promoting him because they know he is out of step with modern times. The left hope to take advantage of his meek nature. Nice men like him would make a great Surgeon General. The US presidency might be beyond his skill set.

  4. Holy crap, really? That’s news to me, dammit. My sister and I were just talking possible prez the other day, too, and she said she likes him.

    I added that I like him, too, but not for prez–I didn’t think he was ready, he just seems too meek and I think twice he has said face palm type stuff (I forget what it was) and I was like, “Nah, I don’t think so.”

    But anti-gun seals it. Nope. No way. Liked the movie, made me admire you as a surgeon and a person. But prez is out of the question.

  5. When Carson first announced, a conservative friend of mine said he thought Carson would make a great president. I disagreed because I think that Black would trump (no pun intended) everything. In other words, we would end up with a kinder, gentler Obama, but one who still thinks that police “act stupidly.” No thanks. No more black presidents until the stench of Obama has been completely removed from our psyche.

  6. Deck chairs on the Titanic….
    We can get comb over guy, Bill Murray look alike, another Bush, this guy, that guy, the other guy. I hate to say it, but the ship is going down. Get the women and children to the lifeboats and enjoy the music.

  7. A glass NUT HOUSE, if you ask me
    (and of course, you WOULD have, I’m sure)

    The perfect response to “arrest him”?
    (Glad you asked)
    “Okay Dr. Carson, you’re [I’m guessing here] 5′-10″ and about 180 pounds. You’ve got a clearly violent 6′-2″ guy who weighs 265 pounds charging at you. GO RIGHT AHEAD and arrest him…YOU IDIOT.”

  8. Mr. Carson. Even Holder’s Justice Department found no wrong in Officer Wilson’s actions. There are a few abnormalities with your thinking. Might want to prep yourself for surgery.

  9. The concept that blacks are hapless, perpetual victims of circumstance, completely at the mercy of their white overlords, is so pervasive that even an obviously top-grade intellect as Carson has is thrown off track.
    Ben, I’m sorry, but Mr. Brown broke the law and, given his actions, got the same outcome anyone else would have received regardless of race. And frankly the world is a better, safer place without him. That you allow your empathy for his race to cloud your thinking really disappoints, because you are smarter than that and so many people want you to succeed.

  10. Uncle Ben seems to be having a hard time switching from pandering to us dumb white people one minute and then to the “noble” Knee Grows the next.

    I must say, he is consistently clueless, for a Doctor.

  11. Fight the good fight brother, but consider the last time our elected representatives passed a real federal budget was in 1997. The $787 billion “stimulus package” President Numb Nuts signed into law in 2009 is now part of the baseline budget. None of our elected officials are interested in anything other than self-enrichment. The 10th Amendment was usurped long ago. The federal government has no legal authority to do 90% of the things they do. I could go on and on, but you get the picture…we’ve already hit the iceberg.
    So yea, fight the good fight and maybe you will get a lifejacket, but remember: The water is freezing…metaphorically speaking of course.
    Sorry to pee on your rainbow.

  12. Affirmative action. I don’t buy the brilliant neurosurgeon bit. I think he did a lot of standing around looking black while a TEAM of professionals did the work. Sue me.

  13. Being a neurosurgeon makes you smart and talented, but not good at politics and world affairs, which a President HAS to be in order to be effective (remember Jimmy Carter?). So – we got a naïve mindset with no political background, anti-gun sentiment, and a weird religion (sorry, Adventists, but it is). Three strikes and you’re out.


  14. Yes, affirmative action. We’re told he’s “Brilliant” because he’s a “brain surgeon”. How smart can he be when he trips over the Constitution (e.g. the 2nd Amendment) and says he’d have arrested the thug Brown? What sort of psyche aims for POTUS after zero experience in the arena? I think he’s a megalomaniac. I think he’s spent a lifetime posing as a nice soft spoken guy who is rumored to be very, very smart. Run away from Ben Carson.

  15. Having worked for Neurosurgeons in another life, I can tell you that just because someone is a brilliant doctor doesn’t mean the can’t have shit for brains when it comes to REAL LIFE situations!

  16. Weird thing about God, He can forgive all your sins if you accept His son died for all your sins.

    No one earns their way in. No one is “good enough”.

    This is the part we can’t judge like we were God ourselves.

    Jimmah has a much of a chance getting in as anyone.

  17. I was just kidding (note the smiley face). Actually, Brother Jimmah is a good man – he just never should have been elected President. Kinda like some other people we know of. I will say that one of the best things about Christianity (as you pointed out) is that anyone can be forgiven of their sins as long as they truly repent – even Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin.

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