Ben Carson with bigger percentage gain than Trump in latest national poll – IOTW Report

Ben Carson with bigger percentage gain than Trump in latest national poll

Trump is still out in front, but Carson is starting to resonate with not nearly the press coverage or name recognition. The two personalities could not be more stark, but the common denominator is that neither has ever ran for any election before at any level.


(Notice Bush’s plummet.)

Via The Right Scoop


18 Comments on Ben Carson with bigger percentage gain than Trump in latest national poll

  1. I’m with Farts (heh heh)
    Carson is likable and outspoken. At the moment he has pull in the way Sanders does, railing against institutional problems. Like Sanders his pull is not because of his solutions, because he hasn’t suggested many. And when the details of his solutions come out I think people will find that they are not very conservative.

  2. “…a bigger percentage increase…”

    True. When someone goes from 2% to 3%, they increased 50%!!!

    That still means they’re at 3%…compared to 38% or whatever Trump has.

    And, yes, Carson’s stands on Second Amendment and Amnesty SUCK.

  3. Polls underwritten and orchestrated by the Dhimmos to put in place THEIR selected GOP candidate to minimize conservative voting.. and to be ignored like the left wing media and anything from the WH.

  4. We all already know that trump is no real conservative.

    But he’s the only one that won’t get run over and splattered on teh pavement by the political machine in washington dc. The Only One.

    And that’s why he’s leading and it’s why I won’t even consider anyone else.

  5. I don’t want to fight another 8 years with a president trying to take my guns. Carson won’t change his views and they don’t jive with mine. My 2nd amendment rights stay, he would have to go.

  6. If Ben Carson climbs to the top, the media is prepared to demolish him. He’s a devout Seventh-day Adventists. In some ways, Adventists are more legalistic than Mormons. We saw what they did to Romney. Carson believes that the Pope is the antiChrist of the Book of Revelation. The Seventh-day Adventist Church teaches this. This will not go well with Catholics. Like Jews and Muslims. Adventists do not eat pork, or any unclean animal written about in the book of Leviticus. Nor do they drink, smoke, or do any work on Saturday, their day of rest. Will save the taxpayers the cost of booze being served at official dinners. Any government business will have to wait until the sun sets Saturday evening. Adventist believe that they will be forced to worship on Sunday thus getting the mark of the beast where they cannot buy or sell anything. They follow their prophetess Ellen G. White founder of the Adventist Church in 1844 – the Great Disappointment lead by William Miller. I could go on and on with what I know about them and it isn’t nice. The media will have a blast taunting him and his religion.

  7. If what you say is true, Carson is toast. Mormonism is a cult religion, and it sounds like 7DA is even worse. Too bad – Carson was starting to look pretty good, too. Religion has tripped up many a qualified candidate, and will probably continue to do so in the future.

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