AT: […] Dr. Carson is a very good man with a very bad idea. We are a republic, or we are nothing.
If we truly wish to restore our republic, then we ought to move back to state legislatures exercising the one remaining check they have on federal power: reclaim the power to elect presidents, and thus move power from Washington back to the people and the states. more
This man, well meaning as he is and soft spoken, might give you the impression he would make a capable president.
I’d trust my child’s brain to him but he’s nuttier than Aunt Ethel’s fruit cake. He has opened his mouth a whole bunch of times allowing some weapons grade stupid to pour forth.
From the pyramids to saying no one should have a semi auto to saying they should have a semi auto to grain silos to a complete lack of any kind of foreign policy chops to this whopper about eliminating the electorial college because….wha? Because the citizens in 1800 were ignorant. And we’r enot because…interent???
Oh wait, he’s said that before-at least he’s consistent.
Sheesh man, stop.
And my friend thinks he’s the cats meow. With her you can’t speak ill of this man. Just his religious beliefs alone was enough for me to back away from him. He believes the Pope is the antiChrist, and going to church on Sunday is the Mark of the Beast. (Seventh-day Adventist believe this and teach it). I took my friend off my email list, and all the Ben Carson books she shoved down my throat are at the thrift store. He may be well meaning but that’s about it.
Ben Carson beat Ted Cruz in NY primary districts
Why do the Trumpy leftists come here on a daily basis to tell flat out lies?
I don’t understand the appeal?
The appeal of self fellation?
It doesn’t require that one leave their mothers basement.
What is rarely if ever mentioned (ok, never mentioned) is that no matter who gets elected to office, in a constitutional republic, that should never have an effect on my rights.
And yet for years and years now, no matter who gets elected my constitutional rights seem to keep getting hedged, chopped, cut, and done away with.
I see that as problematic.
@ LBS Lie? Here ya go
Apology accepted
Wrong again Ted,
in fact, a flat out lie.
You Trumpies MUST lie to support your flat out lies.
Bunch of lying sacks of shit.
Use the link YOU provided to see these 16th district vote totals:
Ted Cruz 1200
Ben Carson 162
Common core math, or flat outright bullshit?
Apology accepted.
Make that:
Ted Cruz 2100
Ben Carson 162
Which is more in your world?
This aint golf.
Even when I make an error it resulted in you being more full of shit.
(fantasy) I’d like Ben to turn completely around and advocate the repeal of the 17th Amendment so state legislatures can decide exactly how they want to select their US Senators.