Ben Rhodes versus… a Backpack? – IOTW Report

Ben Rhodes versus… a Backpack?

Patriot Retort:

I admit I prefer masculine men. The kind of men who fight for what is right and defend the helpless.

So given that, I think it goes without saying that Ben Rhodes isn’t my kind of guy.

Because in a battle with a backpack, my kind of guy would come out the winner.

Check out this video of Ben Rhodes versus a backpack.



8 Comments on Ben Rhodes versus… a Backpack?

  1. @ Dianny – I can hear the late GREAT Benny Hill now!

    The vid needs to be sped up, BH style and THAT music, and THEN looped over and over and over.

    Can we imagine THAT was in control of this country???

    And now at CNN??

  2. About what I would expect from the representative of a President and his wife who couldn’t handle an umbrella and a iron gate. Has this country ever been represented by dumber people?

  3. A guy I worked with went elk hunting in Colorado years back with friends of his. He was from East Texas and had never been to Colorado before. His buddies filled him with stories about hunting in bear country and had him pretty nervous about what to expect and how to handle himself if he encountered a bear. Once on the mountain, they all split up and hunted alone. When he was far away from the others, he got really scared about the bear situation and let himself get pretty rattled about being there alone in bear country. As he was ducking down to make his way through some heavy timber, his backpack caught on a tree limb and in his heightened state of angst about the bears, he thought he was being attacked by a bear. The more he tried to get away, the more the “bear” pulled on him to better gobble him for breakfast. He told me that he screamed like a little girl and nearly disrobed trying to escape the hungry bear that wasn’t there before he finally realized he wasn’t under attack at all. He swore he would never hunt elk again. We all laughed so hard at his confession that we all nearly pass out. Things like this are what I miss about working with a good group of guys.

  4. no wonder the last administration was such a disaster.

    and the talking heads still claim it was full of the best and the brightest.

    ivy league education is not what it is cracked up to be.

  5. Notice he was too stupid to let go of the water bottle? Thats how natives in Africa catch monkeys, they dig a whole in a termite mound with a smaller opening that the inside. They put a chunk of salt inside to lure the monkeys. The monkeys grab the salt but their hand with the salt is too big to get back out. The natives just walk up and grab the monkeys. That same reaction applies here with the monkey Rhodes.


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