Ben Shapiro Lectures As To Why He’s Voting For Trump- Sounding Like Trump Voters 4 Years Ago – IOTW Report

Ben Shapiro Lectures As To Why He’s Voting For Trump- Sounding Like Trump Voters 4 Years Ago

A little late to the party Schmucko.

And don’t say “I didn’t vote for Trump in 2016,” you actively campaigned AGAINST him and wanted Hillary to win.

ht/ joe6pack

26 Comments on Ben Shapiro Lectures As To Why He’s Voting For Trump- Sounding Like Trump Voters 4 Years Ago

  1. If we have another get together somebody remind me to share regarding Medved and his old side kick Siegel.

    Here’s a hint, it has something to do with service members betrayal by spouses and lovers when service members are deployed and “celebrities” who show up on military installations to “support the troops.” Oh, I guess maybe they were under the mistaken notion that service members might appreciate the offer of some male companionship for their lonely gal while they are deployed…. not!

  2. I knew of him as an anti-Trump fool who was smart, but not smart enough to see past Trumps brashness that disguised his “winning” ways.
    I always ignored him for that weakness.

  3. StFD – that is, “slow the fuck down.”

    Then we can talk.

    At least the NeverTrumper pipsqueek admitted he was WRONG. Even when it counted, the votes in 2016.

    He is followed by MANY so this is good. Yes this IS good. I said it…

  4. What’s funny is how many call this dude smart.
    Maybe smart, but slow.
    Same for Beck.
    On the other hand, there’s good money nowadays in being pro-Trump.
    Whatever the motive.
    The country needs President Trump for four more.

  5. Shut your mouth, crawl back in your hole back shooter. Patriots didn’t need you to elect Donald Trump in the last election and we don’t need you to get him reelected in this election. FOAD, Sport!
    Four more years.

  6. I rarely listen to him or his show because he continually damns Trump with faint praise and he CONSTANTLY tilts at the white supremist windmill. The reason he was a never-Trumper and continues to stab at Trump is because of his unbridled arrogance. He truly thinks that he is far far smarter than Trump despite the voluminous amounts of evidence to the contrary. This is personality defect shared by many Jewish people (I am a Jew by the way so I know of what I speak). His pride is hurt and he has had to eat huge steaming plates of shit because he has been wrong on multiple fronts with Trump so he looks for any reason to belittle him. He still thinks Trump is some kind of oaf because of his Twitter feed. I think Ben should pull his head further out of his ass and realize that the MSM has Trump boxed in narrative-wise and the only way Trump can get his side of the story out is to Tweet and I am GLAD he does. We did not hire Trump to play nice with these traitors but to mow them over completely and to do that niceties have to be cast aside (funny how Ben lectures students at his speaking engagements on campuses about the dangers of political correctness loss of free speech but turns around and uses the same leftist arguments against Trump). With that being said I welcome Ben to the Trump- Train. We need young smart articulate people like him who have been Red Pilled from the establishment neocons to pick up and run with the America first banner. If Ben can swallow his pride and get fully behind Trump he will be a pretty amazing statesman one day.

  7. I said from the beginning PRESIDENT Trump is going to win over a lot of people. But Ben should have known better from the get go. Plus, he backed that bimbo who falsely accused Cory Lewandowski that he sexually assaulted her. Schmuck indeed!

  8. I am not a fan of Mr. Shapiro. He was wrong in 2016. I do however welcome him to reality in 2020. He willingly admits he was wrong.
    I do not completely trust Ben, but he has moved in the right direction. No, I do not forgive him. He has never apologized for campaigning for a known leftist and whacko (Hillary). When I see that, I might forgive him, but I will never forget his idiocy in 2016.
    He knew what Hillary was about and yet he still didn’t think the President was a better option. Ben has to be very convincing in telling me that he was wrong.

  9. My two cents: no doubt he is smart, and finally showing how really smart he is. It takes strength of character to admit one’s mistakes.

    He has taken on a lot of liberals in debate, and he has usually won.

    So, I say good for us that he will vote for Trump. He has seen the light and recognizes Trump’s good deeds. Let us hope that many more Jews and Blacks see it also. The conservatives of those two groups will play a big role in helping America get back on track.

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