Ben Shapiro on Kanye’s “Low Rent” White House Visit- “Bill Clinton Got B***J**S in the Oval Office” – IOTW Report

Ben Shapiro on Kanye’s “Low Rent” White House Visit- “Bill Clinton Got B***J**S in the Oval Office”

The left has gone apoplectic because Kanye said “motherf****r” in the white house. Ben Shapiro was quite amused by this and had to point out that the entire oval office had to be steam cleaned when Clinton left.

Also, it’s very weird to see Shapiro say “blowj*b.”

12 Comments on Ben Shapiro on Kanye’s “Low Rent” White House Visit- “Bill Clinton Got B***J**S in the Oval Office”

  1. I’d be willing to bet that most democrap presidents have used swear words like that or worse over the last 60+years. Kennedy and LBJ could probably paint the air blue with the their swearing, especially LBJ. Slick Willie and Hellary were more than likely masters of swearing especially at each other. And barry being black as his mentor Jeremiah “G damn America” taught him well to hate America and swear at whitey as if he needed any help.

  2. I’m with Geoff. Nobody has a clue as to what kind of langauage has been used ANYWHERE in the White House. We haven’t had any saints inhabiting that place since its beginning, that’s for damn sure!! :^#

  3. Conservative media figures and even Congressmen have been showing more balls lately. I honestly wonder if it’s because they realize they now can successfully fight back against the monolithic Left without being utterly destroyed. It’s either that or they’re just faking it because resistance is in fashion.


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