Benghazi survivor fights radical Islam – IOTW Report

Benghazi survivor fights radical Islam

WT: One of the heroic survivors of the 2012 Benghazi attack, who held off invading Islamists until rescuers reached the besieged CIA base, has begun a national campaign to counter President Obama’s narrative on the terrorist threat.

Former Army Ranger Kris “Tanto” Paronto has started a nonprofit called Leading From the Front, which he hopes will translate into a national movement to drive home the real threat Islamic extremists pose to America.

“Radical Islam is at war with America, and we are slowly losing,” Mr. Paronto said. “From Benghazi to Orlando, we are seeing the deadly consequences of President Obama and Secretary [Hillary] Clinton’s ‘leading from behind’ and their willful blindness towards the threat of radical Islam.”  more

11 Comments on Benghazi survivor fights radical Islam

  1. That POS Barry couldn’t have qualified for any branch of the US military. He hates the military as much as the Clintons do, and the evidence is in everything he’s done to the military. Replacing the upper leaders with simpering candy assed yes men, cutting funding, allowing LGBTQXYZ pukes in. God, how I hate him for what he’s done to this nation.

  2. There are very few men who should try to wear facial hair styled as his. I don’t trust men who do ’cause most remind me of Leisure Suit Larry type wannabes. However, this man has earned the right to the style and it is HOT on him.

    But on the main note: God bless (Please God) his efforts.

  3. N
    June 27, 2016 at 10:12 pm

    JMV, one step left before he has free rain. Have you read the hard to find reports about all the semi’s carrying NATO armored vehicles as of late?

    Blue helmets make it easier to pull the trigger – on both sides.

    Foreign troops on our land would be an invasion, no matter who put them there, or for whatever fake reason.

    May it never comes to pass.

  4. Bad_Brad June 27, 2016 at 10:18 pm

    N was me, further proof my phone hates me.

    NSA says your welcome. They have no customer care service because screwing with you is all the fun they get.

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