Berkeley College Republicans to hand out snowflakes to protesters – IOTW Report

Berkeley College Republicans to hand out snowflakes to protesters


College Republicans at the University of California, Berkeley are planning to hand out plastic snowflakes to protesters at an event tonight featuring conservative pundit Milo Yiannopoulos.

The event, scheduled as part of Yiannopoulos’s “Dangerous Faggot Tour,” saw intense backlash from campus socialists. Angry students took to social media to protest the speaker as a “racist,” while others sent letters to the campus administration demanding the school shut Yiannopoulos’s event down before it begins Wednesday night.

One event on Facebook, titled, “No Milo Yiannopoulos at UC Berkeley,” was quickly scheduled for the same time and location on campus as the event itself, drawing almost ten times more RSVP’s from protesters than actual event attendees.

One protester sent an anonymous letter to the UC Police Department threatening the life of student Jose Diaz, CR president and organizer of the event.

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31 Comments on Berkeley College Republicans to hand out snowflakes to protesters

  1. The left is sooo tolerant ……of government corruption, Anarchists, Socialists, Marxists, Communists, treason, open borders, sanctuary cities, illegal immigrants and islamic refugees. BUT cannot tolerate opposing viewpoints.

  2. Lowell don’t worried about me I’m trying to bring some good news from president trump .please let me know if you guys don’t want me to put article it will not offend me I’m so excited about president trump first two weeks that I just want to cheer the article

  3. Left calls Milo racist, I call them homophobes. It’s their game.

    I wish the republican students well. I wonder if snowflake recipients will understand the gesture, I.e. do they know we call them snowflakes?

  4. Who thought of this harebrained scheme. You don’t go into a rabid dog pit with plastic snowflakes. This isn’t the 1950s, the last time civil discourse existed on campus.
    There is no redeeming the left as a whole. It’s up to individuals to decide to break away from the left on their own and that usually doesn’t happen during a frenzied leftist mob event.

  5. LCD, I think Milo is intentionally trying to bring this to s conflict. And I say the sooner the better. These vermin need to be tracked down and dealt with. And when they find a Soros silver dollar in each of their pockets Soros needs to be tracked down and dealt with. On a side note I’m not bothered by gay people as much as I was a couple years ago.

  6. Travel on and off campus in pairs, as much as possible. Each to carry a shillelagh (walking stick). Apply walking sticks to Libtards body parts as often as necessary. Do not stay around, do not call the police. Just leave a wake of writhing Libtards.

  7. Placing the snowflakes on the fires should put the fires out.

    The BC Republicans will get the blame for ‘causing the riots’ after they (MSM) runs the Milo excuse into the ground.

    Gotta give them credit for standing up and not kowtowing to PC.

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