Berkeley prof: Microaggressions can be LETHAL!!!11! – IOTW Report

Berkeley prof: Microaggressions can be LETHAL!!!11!

Campus Reform: A UCLA professor told students at the University of California, Berkeley Wednesday night that “racial microaggressions” can be “lethal” because they lead to “racial battle fatigue.”

Dr. Daniel Solorzano, a Sociology professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, also declared that racial microaggressions are a tool to “keep those at the racial margins systemically in their place” during his lecture on “Free Speech and Racial Microaggressions.”

Solorzano rejected the conventional definition of microaggressions as often-unintentional behaviors that have no malicious intent, but are perceived as such. Instead, he argued that they should be perceived as “assaults directed at people of color” based on the “academic, psychological, and sociological toll on those targeted.”

Solorzano further asserted during a follow-up interview with Campus Reform that, due to the ubiquity of racism in American society, “the ‘micro’ in microaggressions does not mean ‘less than’ [macroaggressions]. The micro in microaggressions means ‘in the everyday'” [emphasis his].

On several occasions throughout the event, the UCLA professor even went so far as to say that such constant exposure to microaggressions can actually be “lethal” to those on the receiving end of them.  MORE

22 Comments on Berkeley prof: Microaggressions can be LETHAL!!!11!

  1. I’m suffering “liberal battle fatigue”… It comes from listening to one lame-brained butt-hurt excuse after another. I understand it can become fatal if I stop fighting, and wind up getting cleansed or gulag’ed in one of their social utopia’s.

  2. Taxpayers need more of a say in this country. We should pick and choose where all our tax money goes. I definitely wouldn’t have ANY allocated tax dollars going to this “Shithole Of Higher Learning.”

  3. “Dr. Daniel Solorzano, a Sociology professor …”

    Kind of says it all, doesn’t it?
    Couldn’t make it in the “sciences” so he went to the Academic ghetto and hung out long enough to get a PhD – which they give just to make em move along – and then blathered enough bullshit to land a cushy job as a “professor.” A professor of bullshit, I might add.
    Just to apply his own foolish terminology, if it’s “lethal” how can it be “micro?” “Microaggression” being one millionth (1/1,000,000) as “aggressive” as “aggressive.”

    So, dude, dr. dude, learn what the fuck the words mean before spouting them.
    Blathering Bullshit is not – NOT – educating or enlightening our youth.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @Zhytamyr: The research cited in the article is a study by the CDC on suicides which controverts this “professor’s” opinion. Not that facts stand in the way of academic extortion.

  5. @Wyatt, IPJ: Excellent, I shall get myself a Ronaldus Maximus t-shirt, NRA hat, and stroll through area college coffee shops with a bacon sandwich, calling people by their biological gender. I am become Death, destroyer of worlds.

  6. LISTENING to your blather is wearing me out. How ’bout if we just microaggressively kick yer ass, so you’ll SHUT UP? We’ll feel better, AND… you’ll SHUT UP! 😀

  7. “We need a movie. “Lethal Microaggression Weapon IV”
    It has possibilities.”

    I like that. Could star a bunch of Hollyweird maggots, pretending to be offended faggots, and being racially “micro-aggressed” while being bullied by tough-girl rednecks for being faggotty retards who mince and preen across the screen.

    Matt Damon, for sure, as the sensitive cop who jerks off watching other cops beat the shit outta negro and spick gangsters. Let’s see … Mudflaps Griffin as the chief dyke tough-redneck girl, and Sarah Silverman as her bitch, and Joy Behar as the dyke judge whose hatred of men makes her convict them on the basis of “micro-aggressions” against the flatulent Mittens, played by some stuttering fool, who farts and whines through the whole movie. Oh, gotta have Danny Glover and Morgan Freeman playing the Arch-Angels Michael and Gabriel (respectively) who exact vengeance on the unsuspecting “micro-aggressors.” And Obola, playing god, of course, tied up and being porked by Reggie, who plays Satan.

    Well, it’s a start …

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. If microaggressions are so lethal, why aren’t more people of color being buried?
    Oh……..wait………since when did abortions become classified as a microaggression? Abortions should be classified as a MACROaggression!!

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