Berkeley Votes To Remove Police From Traffic Stops – Replacing With Unarmed Citizens – IOTW Report

Berkeley Votes To Remove Police From Traffic Stops – Replacing With Unarmed Citizens


SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — After hours of emotional public testimony and a middle-of-the-night vote by Berkeley leaders, the progressive California city is moving forward with a novel proposal to replace police with unarmed civilians during traffic stops in a bid to curtail racial profiling.

The City Council early Wednesday approved a police reform proposal that calls for a public committee to hash out details of a new Berkeley Police Department that would not respond to calls involving people experiencing homelessness or mental illness. The committee also would pursue creating a separate department to handle transportation planning and enforcing parking and traffic laws.

The council voted for the committee to find ways to eventually cut the Police Department’s budget by half and approved an analysis of police calls and spending.

A tired but excited Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin said he doesn’t expect a new transportation department overnight because conversations will be hard and detailed with complicated logistics to figure out. But he said communities of color in his city feel targeted by police and that needs to change.

“There may be situations where police do need to intervene, and so we need to look at all that,” he said. “We need to look at if we do move traffic enforcement out of the Police Department, what does that relationship look like and how will police officers work in coordination with unarmed traffic enforcement personnel?”


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37 Comments on Berkeley Votes To Remove Police From Traffic Stops – Replacing With Unarmed Citizens

  1. Why would anyone pull over for an unarmed civilian traffic enforcer? And what are they going to do when someone doesn’t pull over? Send two unarmed civilian traffic enforcers to that person’s house?

  2. They should just let their meter maid force handle all of their traffic enforcement.

    People always comply with them, and they should be well received by all offenders.

  3. Riiiight! I can see it all now – Unarmed traffic person dummy pulls over a car full of gang bangers – “Sir, May I see your drivers license and registration please?” Gangbanger brandishes pistol and points into unarmed traffic person dummy. “Here’s my license asshole” pulls trigger and fires pistol repeatedly point blank into unarmed traffic person dummy.” Drives off.

    Bet none of these commie butt wipes on the Berkeley City Council will not volunteer to be a traffic person dummy. Let them all drown in the sea of shit that they have created in all the cities they control,

  4. No one in their right mind would pull over a car load of thugs unarmed.

    And there you have it. Unarmed citizens would not pull over a car load of thugs since you need to profile to know it’s a car load of thugs.

    Whites will get pulled over left and right for privilege violation.

    You’re not solving the problem, you’re simply selecting a different set of victims.

    Not going to respond to mental health/homeless calls? WTF? So when a goof is running around naked high on PCP smashing everything in sight the plan of action is….. nothing?

    Or when a mental health midget goes around running over motorcycles because they are white riders, the plan of action is… nothing?

    Looking to not punish clear cut cases of TDS. Obviously.

  5. Retirement costs for Citizen Traffic Officials will be ZERO. None of them will be around long enough to be vested, saving the taxpayer a ton. They may be on to something.

  6. If you have ever known anyone that kept doing really stupid things over and over and over without ever having an inkling as to why they kept making a mess of things; that person was a Democrat.

  7. Do they wear a flashing red light on their head while they yell out the window “WEEEE OOOOO WEEEE OOOOO WEEEE OOOOO”!?!?

    Basically, there will be no more traffic stops in Berkeley.

  8. This is dumber than having school crossing guards in front of schools. What next, flashing signs indicating you are entering a gang banger zone and to slow down so you can become an easier target for them. How about a zone exclusively for shooting gang bangers with no limit on how many gang bangers that you can shoot.

  9. I’ve seen enough.
    Let these leftist shit-holes burn down and crumble. What ever happens, happens there and stays there. Not one thin dime of state or federal support should be wasted on them, ever.
    Make them all autonomous “NO GO” zones. Lord of the flies rules.

  10. In about ten months or so Berkeley’s streets will be lined with teddy bears, flowers,candles and condolences signs. Or is that too last decade?

    And a spokeswoman (it’ll be a woman) for the Berkeley Citizen Traffic Compliance force will make a statement (about the “senseless tragedies” that were guaranteed to occur) about how this or that will change, or how they will put in place “new processes” so this “will never happen again.”

    And more innocent families and bystanders will spend the rest of their lives wearing tee shirts with a picture of their deceased loved ones on them.

  11. …so, no traffic laws in Berkely any more?

    …shame there’s no reason to go there, sounds quite enjoyable, especially the part about flipping the unarmed civilian traffic enforcers off when they attempt a high-speed chase they are not legally qualified to engage in, but it’s probably just as well because of the massive wrecks that will be blocking traffic everywhere due to same…

  12. …Question:

    So who is going to give pursuit the next time someone runs over a trans gay whatever the hell it is all dreassed in black standing on a dark highway to protest their inablity to not be idiots? Bob from Accounting on his part-time gig?

    …Good luck with that….

  13. This is all part of the progressive movement’s end goal of increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death. That is what returning violent criminals to the street is about. That is what setting up homeless camps and “safe injection sites” in neighborhoods is all about. In fact if anyone can show me one thing that is part of the progressive movement’s agenda that doesn’t increase innocent human suffering, misery and death I will kiss their ass on the 50 yard line at halftime.

  14. …there was one time when my fire company was out at an alarm drop at a mall that a woman asked us why we don’t send only the older firetrucks to the false alarms.

    …it’s because you don’t KNOW they’re false alarms until you GET there.

    …same thing with traffic stops, but even WORSE.

    …I wonder if folks ever react negatively to being pulled over…

  15. Traffic stops are second only to domestic disputes for high pucker danger situations where the LEO’s are in serious risk. These city politicians need to go on some ride alongs to see it.

  16. Out of curiosity, what is Berkeley going to do to make up for the drop in revenue because fewer tickets are issued? Do they think these unarmed citizens are going to cost the city government less than the police? Oh wait, I used the word “think” in that sentence – obviously the choice of words.
    The new enforcers will undoubtedly be union. How many of them will see one of their friends and just turn the other way? Want to bet how many of them post on their social media pages where they are every day? Will there be a spate of lawsuits against the city because these new people are posting every car and person that they stop? Just a few of the questions that instantly came to mind.

  17. “The City Council early Wednesday approved a police reform proposal that calls for a public committee to hash out details of a new Berkeley Police Department that would not respond to calls involving people experiencing homelessness or mental illness. The committee also would pursue creating a separate department to handle transportation planning and enforcing parking and traffic laws.”

    A public committee to decide what law enforcement will and will not respond to. Huh. I suspect all of this will come to a screeching halt when their insurance carrier drops them and they play hell trying to find one that will cover them. Guess they won’t miss all that easy revenue that comes from citations, either.

  18. I have a novel idea. I wonder why no one has ever thought about it before. If blacks do not like being “profiled,” then maybe they should consider not committing most of the violent crime in the country. Don’t want to get pulled over? Don’t commit moving violations. And if pulled over, don’t try and shoot the officer.

    As strange as it may seem, taking those steps just might reduce the incidents of violence they are concerned about.


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