Bernie and Petey are fighting – IOTW Report

Bernie and Petey are fighting

DC: Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ 2020 presidential campaign officials pushed back against fellow candidate Pete Buttigieg’s recent claim that Trump and Sanders supporters are similar.

The South Bend, Indiana mayor’s comment came during a Friday campaign event during which he said economic anxiety “kind of turns you against the system in general, and then you’re more likely to want to vote to blow up the system, which could lead you to somebody like Bernie, and it could lead you to somebody like Trump. That’s how we got where we are.”

Former Democratic Ohio Sen. Nina Turner, who co-chairs Sanders’ campaign, took to Twitter to push back on the comparison Sunday, saying Sanders’ supporters aren’t the same and that “Sen. @BernieSanders supporters are Democratic & Independent voters, many of whom are people of color.”


14 Comments on Bernie and Petey are fighting

  1. BUTTisgay sure has a Pence Complex. Does he have a bad relationship with his father?

    Asking for a friend who doesn’t approve of his gay son’s lifestyle…

  2. “…many of whom are people of color.”

    …see, I have Black friends! This means I am hip to the jive. Would you like to see my hot sauce, my brother?”

    …sure am glad that it’s considered an asset by half the Country to divide the American electorate by skin color…/s

  3. The Democrats have gone from Russian Collusion Hysteria, then back to Russian Collusion Hysteria, then to wanting to elect as president, either the guy who honeymooned in The Soviet Union or the sodomite guy who honeymoons in his husbands ass.

    Who could make this stuff up?

  4. Free Speech Forum,
    We’ve been on this path since the “Civil War” or the “War Between the States” or the “War of Northern Aggression” and to expect ONE man to fix it in the less than 3 years he’s been in office is absurd.
    Repealing the 16th and 17th Amendments requires two other Amendments to be passed.
    Fixing most of the other stuff mentioned requires a concentrated and serious re-assessment by the Legislative Branch and an honest review by the Judicial – neither of which will ever happen.
    The slings and arrows cast at President Trump would have felled a lesser man, but that doesn’t make him Hercules or one of the Titans. He cannot even initiate legislation! He can only direct the Agencies to do what they’re supposed to do, and no more – it’s difficult enough to keep them from being increasingly harmful.

    “How do you eat an elephant?”
    “One bite at a time.”

    Give credit to America for electing him, and give him credit for trying and often succeeding. But, yes, dark days are ahead – evil spreads more rapidly and more thoroughly than good.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. This slapfight was brought to you by Germ-X hand sanitizer. Yes, Germ-X.

    Because do you want Pete Buttigeig kissing your baby when he’s out pressing the flesh?

  6. Jeb! was half right – you can’t insult yourself to the presidency meaning you can’t attack voters, you can attack other candidates. Petey would theoretically need the Berners to vote for him so insulting and demeaning them along with Trump supporters at the same time probably isn’t going to play out well long term since he just made an ad that will be replayed a million times.

  7. “Birds of a feather, flock together.”

    And when they fight, they peck at each other’s eyes, snip each other’s legs off (crows are famous for that) and generally rip feathers out until the other guy can’t fly.

    But I think Buttigieg’s problem is actually worse than Sander’s.

    …economic anxiety “kind of turns you against the system in general, and then you’re more likely to want to vote to blow up the system, which could lead you to somebody like Bernie, and it could lead you to somebody like Trump. That’s how we got where we are.” -Mayor Pete Buttigieg

    Incorrect, Mr. Mayor. President Trump wants to drain the swamp (the D.C. swamp), not blow up the system. And he’s not “how we got where we are.” Trump is here because of where we are. Even Sanders (*stupid*) isn’t THAT stupid!

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