Bernie Panders – IOTW Report

Bernie Panders

Bernie panders to economic morons, but not because he knows better. His statements indicate that he’s as big a moron as the morons he’s pandering to. It’s a symbiosis of idiocy.

His latest embarrassing statement was-

“it is unacceptable that Americans are paying a $5 fee each time they go to the ATM.”

He wants to cap it at 2 bucks.

bernie sanders 80s

What an imbecile.

Most people pay zero for ATM withdrawals when they use their own bank. Some privately owned machines can charge a high convenience fee, but there are many, many alternatives. No one is forced into using expensive services.

Even if someone’s own bank charges a small fee, less than Sanders’ proposed cap, the free market has already solved the CRISIS for old Skid Marx- most stores offer the “money back” option after a purchase when you’re getting your change.

See, Fartstain, capitalism works.


18 Comments on Bernie Panders

  1. Skid-Marx!!!!!1111

    Remark of the year! Oh, what a visual! Begs for a Photoshop!

    “Pho-to-shop! Pho-to-shop! Pho-to-shop! Pho-to-shop! Pho-to-shop! Pho-to-shop! Pho-to-shop! Pho-to-shop!”

  2. Okay, just to see, I will honor Trooper’s request and do the graphic, and then will see what you say. And then I will go to McDonald’s because I am starving.
    Give me half an hour.

  3. I remember the good ole days [5 years ago] when there were no fees, by gum! *Stomps foot*

    And this douche wants to ‘reduce’ something that hadn’t existed before his wrinkled ass discovered the ATM fees.

  4. If the ATMs were free everywhere he’d be running around saying they are displacing teller jobs.
    He’s just an angry old crank looking for crap to carp about to his basement dwellers.
    What’s next
    COINSTAR will be capped at 4% !!!!!!

  5. All my money is with Charles Schwab, which is not a bank, so I ALWAYS have to pay the fee no matter where I go to withdraw cash.

    The fees gall me. For years withdrawals were free. Then they were $1. Now a lot of banks charge $3.

    Question: cash machines save a huge amount of money by removing the cost of hiring tellers and providing them with benefits. Why can’t the banks just accept this gain without having to twist the knife and charge me money to withdraw MY money?

  6. yeah he’s really hitting the hot button issues. Just like Hillary.

    What is her platform? Alzheimers research, birth control, vaginal waxing and universal 2 hour happy hour?

  7. I walk by ATMs on occasions and none of them have EVER forced me to stick my card in one.

    Not ONCE!

    Like the Lottery, you gotta be a volunteer.

    Should BS limit the number of Lottery tickets the “po’ folks” can buy?

  8. And the banks are saying – “We have tellers and ATM machines to take care of OUR customers, not Charles Schwab’s. Who are these assholes that think we should let them use them for free?”

  9. Are those Halloween teeth? Does the guy REALLY look like that? I don’t usually like to make fun of folks’ looks but I just couldn’t help but wonder. He just LOOKS stupid.

  10. I avoid banking fees like the plague, however about once a year wires get crossed, I forget a transfer or transaction and wham, I’m up against an NSF fee. Although recent consumer banking changes have actually made this a more palatable experience.

    Used to be that the bank payed the highest $ amounts first, then if you came up short $20, they’d steamroll your account for 8-9 $2 transactions charging $35 for each one they paid. So you’d get up in the morning and because you were short $20, you were now negative $300+ When the bank could have paid all the $2 debits up front and charged you a single NSF fee for coming up $20 short on a $100 debit.

    Man would I pitch a bitch about that at the bank, usually getting all the fees reversed.

    Now they can only charge NSF fees on 3 transactions in one business day and they pay the debits as they are presented. They also changed the posting cutoff for transactions between accounts, so if you make a transfer at 9:55PM, it posts the same day. Since these changes I haven’t had an NSF fee in years.

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