Bernie Promises Free Sex-Change Operations for All LGBT Americans If He’s Elected President – IOTW Report

Bernie Promises Free Sex-Change Operations for All LGBT Americans If He’s Elected President


Sen. Bernie Sanders has declared that sex reassignment surgeries for transgender people would be covered by taxpayers in his planned government-run health-care system. 

In an undated section of Sanders’ campaign website, the Democratic presidential candidate says his plan would “ensure LGBTQ+ people have comprehensive health care without discrimination from providers,” including for “gender affirming surgeries.”

“Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All would not only confront the massive health disparities faced by the LGBTQ+ community, it would also cover gender affirming surgeries, increase access to PrEP, remove barriers to mental health care and bolster suicide prevention efforts,” the site reads.


22 Comments on Bernie Promises Free Sex-Change Operations for All LGBT Americans If He’s Elected President

  1. It’s plastic surgery not ‘gender affirming surgery’. I suppose if he’s Prez any woman who wants bigger tits can get enhancement surgery for free?

    The ‘transgenders’ are a mass suicide waiting to happen

  2. Look at all the socialist countries over any extended period of time.

    Socialism promises everything to everyone but ends up taking everything from them and giving nothing to anyone.

  3. The Pandering Presidential campaigning is getting out of hand. How do people fall for this crap? What can an issue like this accomplish other than squander tax dollars? Basically just assisting in the furtherance of mental illness.

  4. What’s the best way to remove barriers to mental health care?

    Well.. make chopping off your cock a subsidized and celebrated act of heroism, diversity and normalcy, of course. Then parade around cockless men on a pedestal for other mental health patients to idolize.

  5. Then it’ll become mandatory.

    Socialism is rebellion against God. Against Good. Against Freedom. Against Liberty.
    All that is decent and pure must be extinguished.
    Innocence, itself, must be destroyed.
    We’ve allowed the murders of the innocents since, what … 1973?
    We move further into the darkness.

    “Well I asked my friend where is that black smoke comin’ from?
    He just coughed and changed the subject and said oh I think it might snow some.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. He’s the champion of the Democrat-Socialists-Reparations-Homosexualists-Sexualreassignment-Freestuffers Party. Bernie Sanders is locking up the 0.0001 % of the population that wants the government to pay for genital mutilation. This means that he will also get all the Muslim voters with this bold outreach to the 0.0002 % of the population that wants the government to pay to keep women in their place. The guy’s unstoppable!

  7. He also wants to legalize marijuana by executive order. His new campaign slogan could be Potheads for Bernie. Why do I feel like we’re in the midst of a Firesign Theater parody or an episode of the Twilight Zone. We could call it Waiting For The Socialist Executioners Or Someone Like Them or We’ve All Become Bozo’s Trapped On The Short Bus and we wouldn’t even have to change the title of How you Can Be In Two Places At Once And Not Be Anywhere At All. “Pep pills, pep pills, more pep pills.” I swear we’re becoming an Idiocracy if the morons in the democrap party have their way. And Beat The Reaper would not just be a funny skit but would become reality with death panels under socialized medicine for people who have not assimilated into the Borg.



    Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group.

  9. Tim is correct, Demonrats are abominations to God in everything they believe because they worship Satan and hate God.

    Every perversion encouraged , every twisted moral equivalency, every torturous pretzel “truth” out of Bernies mouth is an abomination to God.

    We have the Lord Jesus as our personal savior and intercessor or we would have been destroyed long ago by the abominations brought onto this earth by Satans demons..,

    If you look into. Demonrats eyes and don’t see Satan your not paying attention..

  10. Simple solution and cheap too! Just let the high school boys taking ag science classes (Future Farmers of America) castrate them for the experience and training instead of the steers they usually practice on!


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