Bernie Sanders Cancels Interview Because He Didn’t Get To Control The Questions – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders Cancels Interview Because He Didn’t Get To Control The Questions

Daily Caller:  Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders canceled an interview with a newspaper in his home state because he wasn’t allowed to declare certain topics off-limits.

Sanders’ office offered an interview to Seven Days, a Vermont newspaper, on the condition that their reporters not ask about “political gossip” or about Sanders’ family, the paper stated in a Monday article. The FBI has targeted Sanders’ wife in a bank fraud investigation related to a 2010 land deal she made as the president of Burlington College in Vermont.

A spokesman for Sanders, Daniel McLean, is reported to have offered the paper an interview on Sunday night, only to withdraw it Monday morning after the reporter declined to let Sanders set the boundaries for the interview.  read more

15 Comments on Bernie Sanders Cancels Interview Because He Didn’t Get To Control The Questions

  1. The disheveled and smelly little codger won’t do anything to shed light on his complicity in his wife’s criminal acts. The little skinflint is afraid he’ll have to return the stolen goods.

  2. As voracious and respectful as the media is now days politicians of either party are well advised to limit the topics of interviews. The media is like the crazy girlfriend you couldn’t get rid of, they keep coming back regardless of how you treat them. I don’t blame Bernie or anyone else that tells the media to FOD.

  3. How is he going to run in 2020 if he can’t answer questions about tax cuts, can’t be asked about his wife’s legal woes, can’t address the FISA memo and most importantly can’t explain how his policies are going to make the country great for anyone but a dead beat on the government dole.

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