Bernie Sanders: I Don’t Want Any Advice From Hillary – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders: I Don’t Want Any Advice From Hillary

WFB: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) said Friday he wasn’t interested in receiving advice from Hillary Clinton on the 2020 campaign trail, as other Democrats running for president have done.

Sanders fought Clinton for the Democratic nomination in 2016, and there are still raw feelings in both camps after the bitterly contested race. Clinton blamed Sanders in part for her eventual loss to President Donald Trump, and Sanders supporters point to the Democratic National Committee machinations on her behalf that they say rigged the nomination process.

“The View” co-host Meghan McCain asked Sanders what he thought Clinton did wrong to lose to “someone like Trump.”

“I’m not enthusiastic in going back to 2016,” Sanders said. “But I think, in some ways, she didn’t reach out to working-class people the way I think she should have. There were states where she did not campaign as vigorously as she should have, in Wisconsin, Michigan, maybe some other states. But that was 2016.” more here

17 Comments on Bernie Sanders: I Don’t Want Any Advice From Hillary

  1. I guarantee that if hillary told him to drop out and waved some cash in his face, he’d drop out.
    He’s a 100 years old. The other candidates should be doing oppo research on him at his doctor’s office.

  2. “There were states where she did not campaign as vigorously as she should have, in Wisconsin…”

    ..where Bernie campaigned for her in October 2016, something she was unable to do herself.. She probably blames him for losing Wisconsin. They both need to take up shuffleboard.

  3. “The other candidates should be doing oppo research on him at his doctor’s office.”

    Why not, @MJA, since they’re already doing their voter registration in the morgue right next door…

  4. Bernie’s only got 3 houses to HRC’s 5!
    Bernie’s only worth about $3 Million to HRC’s $45 Million (though she has “access” to some $400 Million hidden in the Foundation and various foreign scams)!

    So, actually, Bernie could learn a lot.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. @Supernightshade March 2, 2019 at 9:22 am

    You need to broaden your cultural horizons. Farnsworth? OK. But the other needs to be Jabba. Including the drool. Especially the drool.

  6. “somebody like Trump”? Anybody besides me ever wanted to slap Meghan McCain upside the head? The apple sure doesn’t fall far from the traitorous, two-sided, duplicitous, corrupt apple tree does it.


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