Bernie Sanders Receives Glowing Praise From Cuban Communist Government – Florida Poll Shows Immediate Collapse – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders Receives Glowing Praise From Cuban Communist Government – Florida Poll Shows Immediate Collapse

CTH- Well, it might not exactly be the best endorsement for the American political aspirations of Bernie Sanders but the official communist propaganda outlet in Cuba, Granma, is heaping high praise upon Bernie “Fidel” Sanders for his support for the communist regime.

Miami Herald – Granma, the Communist Party newspaper, prominently displayed a report about Sanders and his praise of “some of the social programs implemented by the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro.”

“U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, today one of the strongest candidates for the nomination of the Democratic Party to the November presidential elections, recognized Cuba’s role in sending doctors worldwide,” Granma said. (more)

[You can read the communist praise here] Meanwhile, in directly related news, Bernie Sanders has plummeted to third place in the latest poll of Florida Democrats.  Early voting is underway and election day is March 17th. READ MORE

6 Comments on Bernie Sanders Receives Glowing Praise From Cuban Communist Government – Florida Poll Shows Immediate Collapse

  1. He is the most radical on the stage of the Magnificent Seven.

    Once Screamie Amy and Sterile Steyer flop out you will have to see where the votes go.

    Joe is hoping that they will come towards him. I personally doubt that as candidates drop off they will endorse and support the commie.


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