Bernie Sanders Refers to Democratic Party as Sinking Ship – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders Refers to Democratic Party as Sinking Ship

WFB: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) implied in a recent interview that the Democratic Party is like the ill-fated Titanic, adding that some Democrats want to go along with the “status quo” and sink with the ship.

Certainly there are some people in the Democratic Party who want to maintain the status quo,” Sanders told the New York Times Magazine when asked “if he thought the Democratic Party knew what it stood for.”

“They would rather go down with the Titanic so long as they have first-class seats,” Sanders continued.

Sanders ran for president in 2016 as a more progressive alternative to then-Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. He has challenged the Democratic Party to shift to the left, arguing that many establishment Democrats are beholden to Wall Street and other big-money interests.


SNIP: Pffft!  Says the guy who took money from Hillary to drop out.

12 Comments on Bernie Sanders Refers to Democratic Party as Sinking Ship

  1. Says the guy with the fine new sporty car and prime vacation home.
    Problem is that Bernie figures the way to save the ship is to make the holes bigger on the theory that the flooding will stop when the ship is filled with water.

  2. They’ll rename it “Progressives” or “Liberal” or some other such nonsense to keep
    America from the fact that it’s the Bolshevist Party – or the National Socialist.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Bernie Sanders vacation home cost 500k dollars…. Houses on my street sell for twice that and I’m no rich man. Besides his wife Jane sold her parents house, thats why they were able to buy it. 500 k for a politician is less than peanuts. You guys are grasping at straws. Hillary lost because she sucks balls, end of story.

  4. Hey some right wing idiot thinks he’s cleaver using scary words like “Bolshevist” to describe liberals. Why stop there? Let’s here “terrorist, communist, Marxist, treason, Islamofascist,”. Love hearing that crap!!! Stupidity like that cannot be faked.

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