Bernie Sanders’ Stop WALMART Act – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders’ Stop WALMART Act

Daily Signal: Sen. Bernie Sanders is back again, with yet another attempt to indirectly mandate the $15 an hour minimum wage.

It’s called the Stop WALMART Act, or Stop Welfare for Any Large Monopoly Amassing Revenue from Taxpayers Act. It would affect large (500-plus employees) companies, and among other things would prohibit them from buying back stock unless they pay employees at least $15 an hour.

(For a discussion of why big companies sometimes buy back their own stock, click here).

Taking to Twitter, Sanders, I-Vt., attacked the Walton family specifically.

Walmart is an obvious target for the democratic socialist: The company’s total revenue in 2018 was a cool $500 billion, and it employs more than 1.5 million people in the U.S. alone.

Socialists like Sanders are eager to portray big corporations as the epitome of capitalism’s evil, but in reality, companies like Walmart do a lot of good for regular Americans.

Walmart reported in 2016 that a staggering 140 million Americans visited Walmart—in store or online—every week. Clearly, the American consumer values Walmart greatly as a resource for maintaining and improving their standard of living.  READ MORE

10 Comments on Bernie Sanders’ Stop WALMART Act

  1. A walmart greeter requires neat dress and a bright and sunny disposition. Bernie isn’t qualified to be a greeter. He has not combed his hair since 1955 and dresses like a homeless person.

  2. Clearly, the American consumer values Walmart greatly as a resource for maintaining and improving their standard of living.

    Just because you’re running the dozens on a mental patient, doesn’t mean you’re not a tard.


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