Bernie Sanders thinks you don’t want a border wall – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders thinks you don’t want a border wall

Daily Caller: Bernie Sanders Claims ‘No One Wants’ A Border Wall.

Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders claimed Saturday that “no one wants” a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico.

Sanders tweeted Saturday:

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19 Comments on Bernie Sanders thinks you don’t want a border wall

  1. “Someone might be offended” = the liberal saying this is probably the only one offended.

    “Christians who are offended just don’t believe in diversity.”

    “A Christmas tree is diverse.”
    “No, someone might be offended.”

  2. Well, Bernie and his retarded followers also think that communism doesn’t end in poverty, misery, and mass murder though we have 100+ years of it doing just that.

  3. Fuck no! I do NOT want protection for invaders no matter who smuggled them in at what age. I am sick of invaders being given priority over Americans and LEGAL immigrants. “Dreamers” my ass! Demanding whiny INVADERS is what they are. Deport them all and BUILD THE WALL.

  4. Actually, the best way would not be a wall. It would simply be an electrified fence and a series of minefields. I wonder how many times Bernie has to make stupid statements before the DNC gives him another house.

  5. He’s correct,in his world, and as long as you realize that 90% of us real, living, tax paying Americans are not “real Americans” and count for nothing to him and his cronies. They are the pseudo-intellectual elite and live by the 10% solution.

  6. Bernie confuses the American People with the illegal aliens.
    Sorry old boy, I don’t need a path to citizenship. I was born here.
    They were not. And they are not Americans.

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