Bernie Says Middle Class Taxes Will Go Up To Pay For Single Payer – IOTW Report

Bernie Says Middle Class Taxes Will Go Up To Pay For Single Payer

His explanation is that families who pay 10 grand a year in private premiums will be ahead of the gameĀ under single payer because they’ll only see their taxes go up by 5 grand a year, so they’re saving 5 grand.

This supposes that there is a direct pipeline from your income taxes to a lock box. There isn’t, and taxes will just keep going up and up as more and more excuses are made as to why this government program, or that government program, needs a bailout.

Before long you’ll have

high copays with your “single payer” healthcare, and the copays will be means tested. Poor people will pay nothing and the middle class will take it in the ass once again.
Raise your hand if you believe the government is all about trying to save money for all of the people? Everyone with their hands raised, take your finger out of your nose, you look like a moron.

Also, with single payer there will only be one game in town, a healthcare system that has no competition and no incentive to please its consumer.

Businesses who spend other people’s money are the worst run businesses in the world.

No thanks, Comrade.


19 Comments on Bernie Says Middle Class Taxes Will Go Up To Pay For Single Payer

  1. Bernie Sanders initials should stand for BULL SHIT! I can’t believe this moron is being considered by way too many progtards to even run for President. Hasn’t 7 years of Obummer been bad enough and now the progtards want to make to make barry look like a piker when it comes to destroying the country, IDIOTS AND MORONS ALL, anyone who votes for Bernie needs to explain why they love communism because that’s what he is. I’d swear we were living in the Sinclair Lewis novel It Can’t Happen Here!

  2. It will only change when the government no longer has anything to give the useful idiots. And when that happens and the feral ones start rioting and are put down like rabid dogs thinning the heard, then you will have change. By the time that happens, those of us that are sane will pray for the second coming.

  3. We’re swirling the bowl, people. The siren song of socialism is loud and clear to the stupid. Socialism has no basis in our Constitution, but that hasn’t kept both parties from embracing socialism’s lies and obfuscations in order to facilitate their Trillion dollar thefts through graft and corruption.

  4. 0bamaCare and the outright lies about doctors, healthcare plans and cost was the BAIT. Now, Single Payer is the SWITCH.

    Everywhere else in the universe, this is called grand larceny and will get you 10-20 years in prison. In the Washington DC swamp, it’s called “policy making”.

  5. Even more pathetic, IF this ever was implemented and the obvious inevitable outcome described occurred the simpletons that support this BS would just continue to believe it wasn’t working because the rich weren’t paying their fair share. They will never understand basic economics or their faulty logic and will continue to double down on stupidity.

  6. It’s complete bullshit.

    In the run up to Obamacare being imposed, it became obvious upon a cursory examination of the annual American spending on health care, that the combined State and Federal spending on health care, alone, exceeded that which was needed for a UK style NHS-for-America by two or three hundred billion dollars per year – for funding a similar system, at the same per capita rate as the UK’s NHS. It would have cut national health care spending in the US by about 50-60%.

    A single payer plan should cut current health care spending substantially, because the parasitic health care [denial] ‘insurance’ companies will cease to exist.

    I can only presume that Bernie is using Common Core math in his calculations. Or, maybe, he just wants to screw the middle class out of existence.

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