Best and Worst States to be a police officer – IOTW Report

Best and Worst States to be a police officer

This is according to WalletHub, an outlet that I find to be decidedly left-wing.

How could they be if they just deal in statistics? Well, they don’t. Many of their listicles are subjective, like when they listed San Francisco as the healthiest city in the U.S…. if you disregard the amount of HIV floating around.
Best States for Police Officers Worst States for Police Officers:

BEST                                   WORST

1 North Dakota                 42 Idaho
2 Connecticut                    43 Georgia
3 New York                        44 Missouri
4 Illinois                             45 South Carolina
5 Minnesota                      46 Tennessee
6 New Hampshire           47 Kentucky
7 New Jersey                    48 New Mexico
8 Texas                              49 Alaska
9 Maine                            50 Arkansas
10 South Dakota              51 Louisiana

Best vs. Worst
The District of Columbia has the most police and sheriff’s patrol officers per 100,000 residents, 810.8, which is 6.4 times more than in Oregon, registering the fewest at 126.7.

Illinois has the highest median annual wage for police and sheriff’s patrol officers (adjusted for cost of living), $77,728, which is two times higher than in Vermont, registering the lowest at $37,941.

Rhode Island has the fewest individuals killed by police per 1,000,000 residents, 4.75, which is 7.9 times fewer than in New Mexico, registering the most at 37.39.

Vermont has the fewest violent crimes per 1,000 residents, 1.18, which is 10.8 times fewer than in the District of Columbia, registering the most at 12.69.

The District of Columbia has the highest state and local police-protection expenses per capita, $912.20, which is 5.6 times higher than in Kentucky, registering the lowest at $162.09.

10 Comments on Best and Worst States to be a police officer

  1. Illinois #4, really? Just read Chicago cops 60% more likely to commit suicide. Gang bangers now using armor piercing weapons. Claim to have snipers set up. And this author wants us to believe Illinois is one of the best places to be a cop? Right.

  2. Clarity of enforcing laws + care/support of public safety + solid morals/ ethics + actual political honesty = good cops.

    Democratic ideals/ethics/progressive thought + political activism = bad cops.

    (Does not necessarily reflect actual cop behavior as most are hard working contributing members of their community that live or die because of politicians.

  3. Illinois has a very lucrative pay plan and that’s not counting graft and corruption. Their graft and corruption pales in comparison to State reps, senators, Chicago aldermen, US Congressmen, Senators, former first ladies and former Presidents.

  4. Not given, but very important:
    Case closure ratio by crime category
    Arrest:conviction ratio
    Pct of LEO time spent with paperwork, court time

    There are more but these are just off the top of my head. I suppose these are more important to the policEEs (we mundanes) than the policERs and pols.

  5. Like former Illinois Governor Blagojevich said, “It’s F’ing Golden!” Then he went to prison for 14 years.
    Just like former Illinois Governors George Dan Ryan, Walker and Otto Kerner.

  6. 51 Louisiana…..but don’t worry. Idiots like Mitch Landrieu have their priorities straight by tearing down civil war memorials because we all know rewriting history is much more important than keeping the citizens who pay your salary safe. Moron!

  7. Judge Roy. I would question IL too, had I not listened to the police scanner in Chicago of the weekend past time. Thanks to DOJ Consent Order, cops essentially ride around on patrol & wait for dispatch to send them to the next gunshot victim. Sometimes they get so backed up they run out of transport vehicles to take them to the hospital or the morgue. I kid you not.

  8. With Jerry “huha” Brown as the Guvie, I’m surprised California is not work its way to the very bottom of the list, the new category would be worst of the worst, or worse than that.

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