Best Trump Ad I Could Ever Post – IOTW Report

Best Trump Ad I Could Ever Post

To be fair, this is a good Cruz ad, as well.

But I need Cruz to have the same tone as Trump for me to be confident he is serious about getting this under control. There are too many politicians on the right that have talked a great game, yet, I wake up every day in a country that is closer and closer to being a 3rd world sh!thole.


25 Comments on Best Trump Ad I Could Ever Post

  1. Yep, Czar – Cruz only changed his tune from being pro-illegal immigration when he saw how many people supported Trump’s anti-illegal immigration stance. A few days later, cruz started saying he was all for protecting the borders – when previously he was handing out teddy bears with the other rinos and commies to illegal border crossers.

    Cruz is a liar!

  2. Three words: Wellstone Memorial Service.

    When a war ends it is usually the case that the victor has improved his tactics and technology, while the loser is desperately using the same stuff he started the war with.

    Rules for Radicals is obsolete now, amigos. You have been warned.

  3. Obama to give a speech later today about how we’ve never been so united and so peaceful under a robust economy with more jobs available than ever before where children are taught the utmost values and morals as demonstrated in public across all counties, with the only exception of hate speech coming from the right.

  4. The attitude being demonstrated here by these children is one that has been aimed toward America (and Americans) since the early 1900s. It has not changed. Read The General and The Jaguar for a very clear background on what’s being manifested during this presidential race. By the way, where are these kids’ paren…oh, yeah. never mind.

  5. “If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies, and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us’ — if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election — then I think it’s going to be harder. And that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2nd.”–Obama, 2010

  6. Personally, I think Cruz’s immigration plan is much better than Trumps. And no, I’m not even going to “debate” it here because that is insane. Cruz takes citizenship off the table if you are here illegally, Trump’s does not. It’s called “touchback” amnesty”. Go look it up.

    and if you think Cruz is plagiarizing Trumps policies, you are insane.

    That’s why we will have President Clinton next January.

  7. imagine if we had not annexed a large part of mexico in the 1800s

    we would have a bigger mexican cesspool to deal with and a much bigger border problem, with even bigger numbers of imported poverty / no value added coming into the country

  8. Yes, Czar…that.

    Naked rage, obscenity and threats of violence tend to achieve the opposite of what was intended by the perps. Obama’s call for Alinsky tactics by Lahtinoce in 2010 blew back on him in the midterms. And we are currently witnessing the SJW’s overplaying their Alinsky hand and getting reverse-Alinskyed by conservatives.

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