Beta Males Try On Police Uniform and Scare Themselves – IOTW Report

10 Comments on Beta Males Try On Police Uniform and Scare Themselves

  1. I think they are confused as those uniforms did have ass cut-outs. Every last one of those guys in that video would have no problem putting on a cop uniform to dance wildly in the streets at any annual homo parade or to role play “prison love”

  2. I turned it off when the black picked up.The gun and sighed “this is the really hard part” lol…. niggah please…

    Maybe it was hard because he knew the gun was fake and useless in a ghetto gun fight. But there is not one black man that I have ever encountered that would sigh and tremble, instead they are orgasming when they get a big gun in their hands.

    This is poorly acted with a bunch of homosexuals.And, this is why I know an absolutely gorgeous 30 year old blond fitness model with a body that could stop a train from my gym that CAN NOT find a guy. She is desperate. She has her own home, great job, side business, travels a lot, brand new luxury car, plenty of money. She is disciplined and strong, but beautiful.

    She happens a sweet person, tiny petite little thing, beautiful blond hair. Great body. And all her dates are either 40 years old and live at home bums, confused bisexuals, homosexuals looking for a cover, or rudderless, mind corrupted faggots. I used to drool before I actually got to know her and know we are gym buddies. She laughs when I tell her my generation she would have been beating us away with a baseball bat… now she can’t meet a normal, good guy.

    She’s about one of five women I know in the same exact boat. Can’t find a real man. And all my male friends are divorced/single man child mommas boys that can’t keep a woman out of selfishness…. sad.

  3. What you say is true, and the trend worsens as women age.

    After the love of my life left me for another women for the second time, I simply made the editorial decision to retire from dating. Part of it was that Dave had simply ruined me for all others. But part of it was that I was in my 50s by then, and the guys in my age group who were available were not exactly inspiring.

    I’m talking about middle-aged men who still live with mommy and daddy, guys on disability, the multiply divorced, the Peter Pans, the perpetual bachelors. And let’s not forget our friends the closet queens. Yes, there have been guys who asked me out–but it was always for coffee, a walk in the park, a game of Scrabble at home. Get a grip, guys! College was forty years ago; at my age I expect to be taken out on a REAL date!

    Not having to deal with this crap has completely eliminated an entire category of stress in my life. I’m pushing 60 now, and I don’t have years of my life left to wait for guys to get it together, overcome fear of commitment, and be a proper partner. I’m tired of these bullshit relationships that drag on for years and go nowhere. These losers can stick it in a knothole for all I care. I’ll be peacefully taking a afternoon nap instead of a walk in the park with these dorks.

  4. I know what these (redacted) are really afraid of. They’re afraid of all the healthy, red-blooded American women who see a man in uniform and emit a throaty ****RAWR****. Because it takes courage to put on the blues and go out into the community, especially these days, and women love to see a display of courage. Makes us all flushed and swoony. Not afraid to say so. (Firefighters even more so than cops. Mmmhmmm.)

    And these manginas really have nothing to fear from women. Truly.

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