Beta, Meet Alpha – IOTW Report

Beta, Meet Alpha

Daily Mail-

President Donald Trump is taking his first step toward fulfilling a promise to strike a better deal for U.S. workers by renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement. Trump’s hosting Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau today at the White House. The leaders of the neighboring nations have never met, and Trump greeted Trudeau, who has been critical of the American president’s travel ban, with handshake and a pat on the shoulder. Trudeau gripped Trump’s hand and his left shoulder momentarily before they disappeared into the West Wing for a photo op in the Oval Office before a day of talks.

At a general election debate Trump said the 1993 accord that was neogtiated by George H.W. Bush and shepherded through Congress by Democrat Bill Clinton is ‘the single worst trade deal ever approved in this country.’

The Republican argued that ‘NAFTA is the worst trade deal maybe ever signed anywhere, but certainly ever signed in this country.’

At his news conference Friday Trudeau said he intends to ‘defend and demonstrate Canadian values’ in his meetings at the White House today but ‘respectfully and not from an ideological standpoint.’

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18 Comments on Beta, Meet Alpha

  1. It must be frustrating and boring for Trump to deal with someone like Trudeau. He could unintentionally embarrass the PM so easily. Lefties know so little about business and the real, non-political, world.

  2. Trudeau said he intends to ‘defend and demonstrate Canadian values’ in his meetings at the White House today but ‘respectfully and not from an ideological standpoint.’

    Poor fluffanutter doesn’t see the irony in that statement.

  3. It reminds me of a private [lowest enlisted rank] being invited into the Commanding General’s Office to discuss strategy. Trudeau looked shell shocked after meeting President Trump,
    FYI: English and French are the official languages of Canada.

  4. For some reason @POTUS tweet about the meeting cracked me up “Today I will meet with Canadian PM Trudeau and a group of leading business women to discuss women in the workforce.”

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