Beto Drops F Bomb During Live CNN Interview – IOTW Report

Beto Drops F Bomb During Live CNN Interview

Legal Insurrection:

During a Sunday morning interview with CNN’s Dana Bash, Democrat presidential contender (yes, he’s still running) Beto O’Rourke dropped an F Bomb.

From the Daily Caller:

Bash, who was sitting in for Jake Tapper on “State of the Union,” began the segment by showing video of the former Texas congressman discussing gun violence at a recent event — and in that video, O’Rourke’s use of the term “f**ked up” was bleeped.

O’Rourke followed that clip by dropping the same term on the live show.

This is not entirely unusual for Beto. Last year, when O’Rourke was running for Senate against incumbent Sen. Ted Cruz, his penchant for the “mother of all swear words” is not new. So profuse is his use of profanity on the campaign trail, that the Texas Tribune made a compilation cataloguing Beto’s potty mouth. read more

21 Comments on Beto Drops F Bomb During Live CNN Interview

  1. Every reporter that interviews “Irish Bob” O’Rouke needs carry a family-sized bar of homemade lye soap with them. When “Irish Bob” cusses on live TV, they need to shove the whole bar of that soap in his mouth, make him chew it up, then swallow it. That lye soap will dissolve his tongue & “Intestinal Fortitude” within about 6 times of his cussing & we won’t have to worry about him doing it after that.

  2. Why beta is just one manly guy…. I know I throw fook around frequently but not on national tv…
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. He and Perez can’t seem to speak without cussing. Even better when there are kids sitting there. So inspirational he can’t even express himself without going to the gutter.

  4. As a democrat he’s allowed to do the ‘f’ word with farm animals, drunken derelicts, knot holes, the Clintons, all of Hollywood-both sexes, with impunity. Using the ‘f’ word is only a problem if offender is a Republican.

  5. That term is one of the most versatile in the language. It functions as noun, verb, adverb, introjection, adjective, and the much-maligned expletive. It can be deployed to express emotions such as rage, fear, disgust, bafflement and enthusiasm.
    In short, it is a fuckin’ great word.

    However, I try to avoid using it around my Mother.

  6. I thought that the f word was still one of the seven dirty words that you couldn’t say on TV or radio. I guess the f word has become so tame now due to it’s overuse that it doesn’t matter to most people anymore. Still somehow he should be shamed for being such a profane jerk as well as everyone else who does the same in public. And I’m probably just as guilty as others when I get frustrated and use the f word unnecessarily.


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