Beto: If Caught in possession of AR-15, that weapon will be TAKEN FROM YOU and you’ll be fined – IOTW Report

Beto: If Caught in possession of AR-15, that weapon will be TAKEN FROM YOU and you’ll be fined

Colion Noir

h/t RWF

38 Comments on Beto: If Caught in possession of AR-15, that weapon will be TAKEN FROM YOU and you’ll be fined

  1. The Communist agenda against the people is “give it to us, or we will come with guns to take it from you.” The very reason Americans need to keep their guns–all of them, and the reason the 2nd Amendment exists. Americans haven’t had a revolutionary spirit since battling in 1776. And even then not all colonists were supportive of resistance to gain independence from English rule. At this time, Americans are still not united in just cause, because of the Communist subversion to destroy what is left of sovereign USA.

  2. @tRuth, Love the point you raise about the reason the 2nd Amendment exists.
    Americans haven’t had a revolutionary spirit since battling in 1776.
    And mindless assholes like Beto, not having consider the the carnage that ensued with only muskets, Oh dear Lord, that sorry coward would prey to be holding an AR-15.

  3. …but seriously, remember THIS when they come for the guns.

    Not IF.


    “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.
    -Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , “The Gulag Archipelago”

    …when they take the guns, it’s not the END of their evil.

    …It’s the BEGINNING…

  4. Just more tough talk from this pansy. He’s just trying to stay relevant by being outrageous. He’s foul mouthed and pathetic and will never garner more than a few fringe followers.
    He is great material for comedy routines just like the other democrat candidates. Sadly these clowns are the equivalent of hanging Bernie’s dirty underwear out on the line for the entire world to see.

  5. You, Beans?
    Whatta ya waitin for?

    Keep one by the back door – come get it.

    Betcha ain’t got the balls – you’d insist that some guys with GUNS come take it.
    Is the irony lost on you? Or are you just another lying fuckin hypocrite?

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. When did it become the role of the Federal government to dictate to us? All of the Leftist candidates role of continued lists of what they plan to ban, confiscate, or punish. They tell us how they will force us to behave in a certain way or we will be enslaved in their penal system. Sounds too me like the Land of the Free has ceased to exist and that we now live in a police state that Stalin would envy.

  7. The campaign trail is the only place O’Rourke gets any attention, at home it’s “Sure Bobby”, “Yessir Bobby”, “Whatever you say Bobby” with wifey rolling her eyes.

  8. Can’t you just see this little pansy Winnie coming for your gun driving up in his hippie painted Volkswagen bus driven by a trained monkey and drinking a sissy sarsaparilla! That would put fear in any mans heart!

  9. It’s amazing! Those asshole Democrats do not have one real man running for president! All they have are soy boy’s, sexual deviants, femi-uglies, butch’s vs bitches, Trans-pukes, retarded socialists, and idiot savants! What deep crap hole of despair have we sunk into?

  10. He wouldn’t come taken them himself, and no cop is going to do it. So he would do what every other dictaster does. Bring in people from a foreign country who would do it for him. But first, they will kill the media.

  11. Part of the reason Americans love the police state is that the government made Americans dependent on the government.

    The government steals money from taxpayers to give to the lazy and outlaws feeding the homeless and starting a business.

    The government bans guns so Americans must rely on the Gestapo for protection.

    No one dares criticizes the government if they will lose their food stamps, Obamacare, Obamaphones, and Section 8.

  12. Every elementary school had one, the overindulged spoiled little brat that often had to be picked up from school by his mother because he fouled his pants in class. The taunting and teasing from classmates afterward left them harboring a lifetime of bitterness.
    Fransis ORourke was one of those.

  13. It’s NOT a buy-back. The government did not (and never will) own our firearms. These are not “weapons of war and are definitely not the most powerful and deadly weapons available. A 30-30, 270, 6.5, 308 (etc.) all have much more stopping power than a 5.56 or 223. These weapons are purchased because they can be more easily handled by most people for home and personal protection. This is the left’s attempt to place the country on that most slippery of all slopes, the one that leads to confiscation of all firearms from law-abiding citizens. All Americans who value the Constitution and their freedoms should resist this insidious march toward tyranny.

  14. One thing the 0bama regime did for us, it removed the masks from the communists infesting the democrat party. Certainly the time will never be right for we American citizens to rise and overpower the wanna be tyrants, but if it has to happen it will right or not.

  15. The fact is that Beto is simply stating for national consumption the basic tenet of the socialist democrat policy objectives. To control society with absolute authority. It is a simple step in this process to extend the mandatory buy back to ALL FIREARMS.

    The US has not had a ‘revolutionary’ mindset since the end of hostilities in 1783 because until recently, we have not seen the ascension of totalitarian governance. With the rise of the socialist movement within the democratic party we are seeing the new ‘monarcy’ of leadership that seeks to suppress us. As a result, this latent revolutionary mindset is reborn.

    The more strident the calls for firearm limitations or bans, the more resolute becomes the patriot who sees the 2nd amendment as the insurance policy against tyranny.

    As in the 1770’s there are two different classes of citizens in regards to excessive governmental controls. Those who are not afraid to stand up to it and those who knuckle under without a comment. Worse are those who not only knuckle under but also join the tyrants.

    Molon Labe!! I am a legacy American and proud to be a Deplorable!!!

  16. “Cause I gonna make you see
    There’s nobody else here
    No one like me
    I’m special, so special
    I gotta have some of your attention give it to me …”

    Shouldn’t Beano be wearing a helmet all the time?
    Whatta fukkin slap-head.

    izlamo delenda est …

  17. Old Beto will try to send your neighbors, the LEO’s in your hunting clubs. Those in reserves that go to you high school games and sit next to you. The parent of your son or daughter will confront and kill you because Beto says so. Beto would need to live on AF1. I would turn Beto’s head into a canoe if he tried to lift my guns.

  18. He is a gift for openly (and stupidly) expressing the end goal of EVERY Democrat candidate and most of the current Democrat politicians. They lust after power. They must have us disarmed to fully rule over us.

    Molon Labe!
    Never Again!
    I Will Not Comply!


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