Beto O’Rourke Caught Lying About His Lying Mother – IOTW Report

Beto O’Rourke Caught Lying About His Lying Mother

Beto O’Rourke touts support from ‘lifelong Republican’ mom, but records show she backed Democrats almost exclusively.

“I introduce my mom sometimes, and I kid her a little bit, like ‘my mom’s a lifelong Republican, but we got her to vote for us in this race.’

It seems she’s a bit of a liar herself, goosing her voting history to make her son look like he’s telling the truth. He’s not. She’s not.


“But for the most part I have voted Republican probably nationally and then more regionally, more Democrats,” she said. She added that she voted in Democratic primaries because “that’s the party that’s going to win” in El Paso. She said she did not remember why she voted in the Republican primaries in 2006 and 2010.
She attributed her current move away from the Republican Party to its rightward shift under President Donald Trump.
“The immigration, the wall, the rhetoric that’s coming out. It’s just so far right. It’s just –there’s no humanity,” she said of the present-day GOP.
A copy of Melissa O’Rourke’s voting record, which CNN’s KFile requested from the El Paso County Elections Department, shows she’s voted in Democratic primaries in 15 of the last 17 primary elections she has participated, including Democratic party primaries in 2000, 2008, 2012, and 2016 that included presidential primaries. She voted in the Republican Party primary just twice, in 2006 and 2010 midterms.


12 Comments on Beto O’Rourke Caught Lying About His Lying Mother

  1. That seems to be a common thread among the deceitful Dems unmasked by Okeefe: the burning desire for “moderate Republicans”. They say anything to get those votes. The trouble is, there’s not many ModReps left, because they’ve been driven to the right by the Psycho Dems.

    Tell you what Beto. We’ll let you have the nevertrumpers. All 34 of them. Just stop making mommy lie for you. It’s kind of skeevy.

  2. A dimicretin trying to get into office by lying, I have not heard of that since the last Federal election! This appeards to be a character trait common on both sides of the isle.

    Sure glad President Trump is not a career politician.

  3. Shit like this is why we need background checks for political candidates.
    You want the job?
    Pass a background check and pee in a cup…just like most hard-working, tax-paying, law-abiding Americans have to do these days!

  4. I voted in the democrat primary once in 1992. I didn’t care much for GHWB and he was a shoe-in so I availed myself of one more opportunity to vote against slick Willy. (I didn’t vote FOR George Sr. or Bob Dole, I voted AGAINST Bill Clinton. But I digress.) Probably something similar going on here. It would be an outrageous lie to say I usually vote Democrat because of what I did in a particular instance. Then again even O’rourke’s name is a lie so why believe anything he says? What was it Blumenthal said…lie about one thing…


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